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Para los que no saben que clientes usar con pump.io aqui esta el listado (por ahora)
Fuente: https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/wiki/Clients
- https://ih8.it/ - Hate button for the web
- https://hip2.it/ - Like button
- https://lurve.jpope.org/ - Love button
- https://pump2status.net/ - Find your StatusNet friends on the pump network
- https://openfarmgame.com/ - A farming game for the pump network
- https://pumplive.com/ - Stats server
- https://ofirehose.com/ - The pump network firehose
- Dianara - a Qt desktop app
Pumpa - another Qt client under development
- How to for building Pumpa on OS X.
- Pumpio-el - Pumpio client for Emacs
- Impeller - ICS (4.0) or above - Google Play / Download APK
- PumpFM - a simple app that scrobbles the music listened on your Android phone to a pump.io instance (Link to binary .apk)
- Puma - Download APK
Fuente: https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/wiki/Clients
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