Tom Cool tommiecool@identi.ca
looking for interesting people all over the world. "Music was my first love" and still going on ...playing guitar + drums
2012-08-08T11:08:14+00:00 via web To: Public
mensch, schietwetter.... aber zum dom in Hamburg ideales Wetter zum Abkühlen der heissen Gemüter2012-07-19T20:38:42+00:00 in Neustadt, Germany via web To: Public
nur ein Kartoffelauflauf mit einem Hefeweizen.... fühl mich als ob mein Bauch aufgeschwollen ist.... erstmal ne Runde raus...Teneriffa : Brand im Nationalpark
2012-07-17T21:34:02+00:00 via web To: Public
stimmten für „no comment“
2012-07-16T19:40:11+00:00 via web To: identicats, Ubuntu users, Public
stimmten für „felt into yourself, feeling the breath and let it flow“
2012-07-16T19:39:18+00:00 via web To: Tom Cool, Public
2012-07-13T10:21:37+00:00 in Neustadt, Germany via web To: Public
Well, lange schlafen und trotzdem müde.... um 14:00h arbeiten.... aber nur mit Spassfaktor heute!Abstimmung: what doing when feeling lonely ? http://ur1.ca/9rq6t
2012-07-12T19:03:51+00:00 via web To: Public
2010-08-22T17:22:42+00:00 via web To: Public
the 70-th...on guitar well i like it: "...i've been through the desert on a horse with no name, it felt good to be out of the rain..."2010-01-05T15:05:37+00:00 via web To: Public
cross-country-ski: oooohhh what a trip. since 17.12. snow is lying enough for skiing. Hey people, my adrenalin has shot into my brain