2015-04-13T07:38:55Z via AndStatus To: Public
First patch to gnome ready for commit Yay ^^2015-04-06T21:03:43Z via AndStatus To: Public
And status :)2012-12-03T13:05:21+00:00 in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain To: Public
Because it's important: http://ur1.ca/9dibhJesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona shared by Txus Ordorika at 2012-11-27T15:00:47+00:00 via web To: Public
Txus Ordorika, Txus Ordorika, Aleix Pol, Aleix Pol shared this.
RT @jgbarah Software development, if software were a cat http://ur1.ca/bhzg9 via @swardley @monkchips #fun CC @laquadratureJesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona shared by Txus Ordorika at 2012-11-27T15:00:47+00:00 To: Public
Txus Ordorika, Txus Ordorika, Aleix Pol, Aleix Pol shared this.
RT @jgbarah Software development, if software were a cat http://ur1.ca/bhzg9 via @swardley @monkchips #fun CC @laquadrature2012-11-27T14:40:07+00:00 in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain To: Public
7 months wthout using identi.ca Hi again freeweb2.02012-05-03T21:43:09+00:00 in Elorrieta, Gaztelu, Basque Country, Spain To: Public
Time to go to sleep, nice night without programming, but popping the readitlater stack :-)2012-04-18T22:01:46+00:00 in Basque Country, Spain To: Public
Really enjoyed finite state machines and regular expressions !udacity. Now stretching and bed! !tired2012-04-08T15:17:54+00:00 in Basque Country, Spain To: Public
!udacity !cs101 final exam finished. Love my little-demo-toy search engine.2012-03-31T10:39:33+00:00 in Basque Country, Spain To: Public
Ziortzan. Sekulako eguna2012-03-26T21:21:40+00:00 in Zorrotza, Gaztelu, Basque Country, Spain To: Public
!udacity homework finished. Time to sleep!2012-03-19T21:59:20+00:00 in Elorrieta, Gaztelu, Basque Country, Spain To: Public
Changing the default search engine to duckduckgo !privacymatters !test2012-03-19T13:09:26+00:00 in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain To: Public
This morning is powered by !trivium http://ur1.ca/8qc2q2012-03-18T18:28:29+00:00 in Elorrieta, Gaztelu, Basque Country, Spain To: Public
!udacity homework in process ;-)2012-03-15T11:44:02+00:00 in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain To: Public
Do you use vim? You'd check this website. http://vimcasts.org !vim !developers2012-03-15T11:17:25+00:00 in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain To: Public
I need one of this: http://ur1.ca/8nzwi2012-03-14T22:37:07+00:00 in Elorrieta, Gaztelu, Basque Country, Spain To: Public
Night code finished. Signed AI letter, and time to go to bed. !imbackidentica :)2012-02-01T15:47:07+00:00 in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain To: Public
Pomodoro technique very useful today for me. Thanks for the recommendation2011-11-28T19:49:08+00:00 in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain To: Public
!tddjs + !beer = win :)2011-11-20T19:20:22+00:00 in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain To: Public
Hello CyanogenMod :-)