Bob Jonkman bobjonkman@identi.ca
Elmira, Canada
Computer consultant who occasionally participates in Real Life… ⁂Lather ⁙Rinse ♻Repeat
Robert Finley rfinley@identi.ca
Knoxville, United States
Comments on this account are my own personal opinion and do not reflect the opinions of any entities that I may be affiliated with.
Anand Prabhu ubuntufreak@identi.ca
A passionate user and supporter of free and open source software
Samuel Schmid weltenschmid@identi.ca
Plaun dils Matts, Switzerland
The aim of the game is to feel good. Get LED Grow Panel at http://www.led-laempli.ch
Filosofía Linux filosofialinux@identi.ca
GNU/Linux no es sólo un sistema operativo, representa un modo de ver la vida y una forma de pensar http://bit.ly/p1WEhD .
Alberto Oses N. albertosesn@identi.ca
Santiago, Chile
Ciclista, Abogado, Padre fan de la libertad, la ciencia ficción, la historia y la equidad (no necesariamente en ese órden)