Ubuntu Women Project ubuntuwomen@identi.ca


  • Filosofía Linux filosofialinux@identi.ca

    GNU/Linux no es sólo un sistema operativo, representa un modo de ver la vida y una forma de pensar http://bit.ly/p1WEhD .

  • Amy H. gamerchick02@identi.ca

    Michigan, United States

    Mechanical engineer, sports follower, gamer, lover of the offbeat, music nut, and geek.

  • blackhalo blackhalo@identi.ca

    Cadiz, Spain

    GNU/Linux, papá y heavy metal. Pues me han sobrado algunos caracteres...

  • Jorge Meneses jorgejhms@identi.ca

    Sociologo, rockero, linuxero y socialista. Por la jornada de 4 horas!

  • Monica ayaita@identi.ca


    Mis temas: género y TIC, Software y Cultura Libre, Wikipedia. @monicajmora en twitter

  • michelenlared michelenlared@identi.ca

    Gūshdūn, Iran

    / Open Source / backgammon - tennis player / User Android - HTC - / gnu/linux # 498226 - Linux machine # 409830 /

  • Lourdes Castillo lourcastillo@identi.ca

    Santiago, Chile

    Ingeniera Informática, alma guaraní, entusiasta de la #cultura & #SoftLibre. Impulsiva, intuitiva, miope.

  • Julie Pichon jpichon@identi.ca

    The Pike, Ireland

    Software dev, open-source enthusiast, endlessly curious about education and technology. Learning Japanese at the moment.

  • Tiffany Antopolski mimico@identi.ca

    Mimico, Canada


  • Katie bokunenjin@identi.ca

  • Wahiaronkwas David bearrfeet@identi.ca

    Montreal, Canada

    Writer, Photographer, part-time community website Thingamabob. Fights with CSS. Uses Mac, Linux. Struggles with dialup.

  • Valorie Cowan Zimmerman valoriez@identi.ca

    Kummer, United States

    Writer, PFLAG mom, Linux user, grandma, music lover, reader, genealogy researcher