
/usr/share at

I wonder if there is a social network that allows sending messages to users geographically nearby. (Preferrably messages that are only available for a certain amount of time and get destroyed after that.)

X11R5 shared this.

Destruction of messages sounds problematic. You'd need centralization to make that work, and even then it wouldn't.

Douglas Perkins at 2014-01-15T08:16:24Z

The radio! Just kidding :)

Vladimir at 2014-01-15T22:15:53Z

I think I heard of something along these lines in China. If i found the right paper [0], the name's Momo. More of an app, it seems.

[0] http://www.nicta.com.au/pub?doc=6759&filename=nicta_publication_6759.pdf
[1] http://www.techinasia.com/momo-app/

Olivier Mehani at 2014-01-15T23:09:58Z

some platforms send a "deleted" version without the content when a user deletes their post,
 but of course on a federated network there is no way to be certain that every copy on every server actually gets deleted.

I think a more workable approach might be some kind of shared forum or group.
(could be maybe displayed differently depending what you want it to do.. sort of similar to what I want to do for events here)

That won't solve the problem of federating deletions but would be a lot better than some app tied to only one OS and an appstore!

michaelmd at 2014-01-16T00:07:39Z