Host Video vhost@identi.ca
London, United Kingdom
Working in the field of internet video hosting(i.e. streaming) for a UK company. Interested in data presentation and algorithms.
2012-11-17T00:04:12+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
Long time no post. We've had so much going on that I've been lazy on updates.2011-07-14T10:37:36+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
A video player is never perfect. Keeping it simple helps though.2011-06-24T09:51:34+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
I've seen many services have failures this week. We too had a bunch for short periods of time, but Wowza for instance was down a whole day.2011-06-15T16:17:11+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
We now have video stream protection working for live and on-demand rtmp video. Capturing such streams is pretty hard now.2011-06-03T12:49:44+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
iPhone/iPad video hosting is now publicly available at at streamingvideoprovider.com Finally! Live and on-demand video for all users :-)2011-05-10T10:30:55+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
We are able to support live and on-demand video on iPhone/iPad/iMat/iCrap finally. This took way too long.2011-04-18T13:43:26+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
I like simple things like iPhone and html5 video. Problem is simple things usually don't cope well with added value services.2011-04-18T13:26:35+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
For nearly a month we've been testing ways to deliver video to impaired platforms like iPhone :-) we will deliver video to them soon :-)2011-03-26T10:19:46+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
We are adding so many features lately to the SVP video platform that we couldn't even mention them in the news section :( Must slow down...2011-03-26T10:17:40+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
VideoApps Studio is up and running in the StreamingVideoProvider panel. There are several templates available already too.2011-02-07T17:32:54+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
VideoApps engine is finally up at streamingvideoprovider.com . The flash engine looks good and it's becoming interesting :-) already.2010-12-07T11:01:56+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
VideoApps studio will soon be launched in beta at streamingvideoprovider.com. Hopefully by the end of the week.2010-11-12T15:00:33+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
Have been working on a flash application engine we call VideoApps. It comes up nicely so far with a ton of features and video integration.2010-10-28T08:58:19+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
Video as a service? Well that's precisely what we've been doing since 2006... http://blog.streamingvideoprovider.com/2010/10/why-vaas/2010-10-14T12:45:09+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
StreamingVideoProvider.com now allows presentation slides integration with video players for on demand and live video broadcasts.2010-10-07T14:07:47+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
Working on a player interaction api into webpage in javascript. Events rule!2010-08-24T08:50:01+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
Live streaming is finally up for all users of StreamingVideoProvider.com all video integration features apply to live shows too :)2010-07-07T14:58:40+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
Synchronizing audio and video through pipes for rtmp publishing is proving to be challenging so far...2010-07-05T12:03:30+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
Our video hosting reseller panel will soon be ready too. It's pretty good actually and we're adding many new features constantly.2010-07-05T11:59:20+00:00 in London, England, United Kingdom To: Public
Got some progress with the live encoder(VideoPipe) yesterday. That was an ugly bug there. Had been looking at the wrong place for two weeks.