Vladimir Kolev vkolev@identi.ca
2012-12-21T10:20:08+00:00 via web To: Public
For all those long #linux commands an #Android app that could be used for reference everywhere http://goo.gl/jksZD using #commandlinefu2012-01-26T23:31:49+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
#Ubuntu begins to suck more and more. Good that there are still developers that think more rational. Ubuntu is't desktop OS anymore.2011-12-31T03:04:10+00:00 in Altstadt Nord, Germany via web To: Public
A lot is going on with #gSharkDown. A lot of refactoring and new ideas, stay tuned for the next release with improved speed and stability2011-12-10T02:00:28+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Long time I haven't posted here but I can now say that #gSharkDown 0.5.2 is out and we have a lot in mind for 0.6 :)2011-04-16T06:37:31+00:00 via pino To: Public
Packing my stuff and heading to !pycamp http://pythoncamp.de/2011-04-15T08:13:13+00:00 via pino To: Public
#PythonCamp Cologne 2011 is tomorrow! And I'm excited - the first !Python #Camp I'll be visiting. http://pythoncamp.de2011-04-14T10:22:14+00:00 via pino To: Public
Един неграмотен е достатъчен за повдигане на настроението: http://min.us/mvoZpBD !ubuntuusers-bg2011-04-11T01:41:51+00:00 via pino To: Public
@bogart I don't like KDE, so I didn't. I know beta is not stable, but it's giving you the feeling of what the system will be in final.2011-04-11T01:40:09+00:00 via pino To: a(n) person, Public
@meskes I'm just very disappointed with this Unity thing. I don't find it so usable as adverted on the net.2011-04-11T01:21:04+00:00 via pino To: Public
After testing the Beta of !Ubuntu !Natty - I'm sure - it sux A LOT! One more year 10.04 and then bye bye Ubuntu...2011-04-04T02:20:41+00:00 via pino To: Public
Yey - A new version of #ImgurUp is comming with support for Authenticated accounts and some cool new features. Stay tuned!2011-03-28T07:30:46+00:00 in Humboldtkolonie, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany via web To: Public
Ho hooo 3 days to the release of Elementary OS - I'd better clean up my laptop to get it when it's hot and ready :)shared by Vladimir Kolev at 2011-03-28T07:20:29+00:00 via web To: Public
Anyone looking forward to !elementaryos? Get a sneak-peak of Jupiter in these videos! http://ur1.ca/3otqu !OMG !u !Linuxshared by Vladimir Kolev at 2011-03-28T07:20:29+00:00 via web To: Public
Anyone looking forward to !elementaryos? Get a sneak-peak of Jupiter in these videos! http://ur1.ca/3otqu !OMG !u !Linux2011-03-22T22:30:18+00:00 via pino To: Ubuntu users, Public
How could you say that !FireFox is not a friend of !Ubuntu ... it's just talking and not knowing. Seen this -> http://imgur.com/b3XRw.png2011-03-22T20:57:03+00:00 via pino To: Public
Започнах на ново превода на #unixtoolbox упътването и този път си помагам с #GtkPyglot за някои термини. Надявам се да се получи по-добре!2011-03-16T20:13:26+00:00 in Humboldtkolonie, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany via web To: Public
2011-03-16T20:08:36+00:00 in Humboldtkolonie, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany via web To: Public
Finally Linux 2.6.38 with Debian 6.0 and elementary ...2011-03-16T13:02:21+00:00 in Altstadt Nord, Germany via web To: Public
Installed !debian 6.0 ... and I'm not impressed - crashed after 1 hour and many many updates. No #elementary for Debian sux!2011-03-15T21:54:11+00:00 via api To: Public