2013-04-25T17:42:36+00:00 To: Public
#Akademy schedule is out, my talk "Expression Templates or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Template Meta-Programming" made it2013-03-15T17:55:59+00:00 To: Public
Why do CfP deadlines always sneak up on me? 5h left, I should get started... #akademy2013-01-29T14:06:16+00:00 To: Public
#GammaRay 1.3.0 is out, with new meta object, standard paths, mimetype and KJob browsers. http://ur1.ca/9yupz #QtKevin Ottens, Kevin Ottens shared this.
2013-01-28T08:55:32+00:00 To: Public
2012-12-23T10:25:07+00:00 To: Public
2012-12-22T13:21:49+00:00 To: Public
2012-12-20T16:06:49+00:00 To: Public
2012-12-13T14:01:51+00:00 To: Public
video of my Qt dev days talk about domain specific debugging tools is now online: http://ur1.ca/c0vhk2012-11-15T10:29:34+00:00 To: Public
Slides of my #QtDD2012 talk about domain specific debugging tools are now online: http://bit.ly/W8XF0S2012-11-15T10:08:08+00:00 To: Public
2012-11-08T18:38:20+00:00 To: Public
Hotel lobby turned into a hardware lab to put the final touches on our demos for tomorrows Meeting C++ conference2012-11-07T21:50:30+00:00 To: Public
#Qt DevDays 2012 is approaching fast, will be talking about domain specific debugging tools and teaching a one day QtQuick training2012-08-17T11:38:47+00:00 To: Public
Save the date: This year's #Qt Developer Conference will be in Berlin November 12-14: http://ur1.ca/9t4pjAlvaro Soliverez, Alvaro Soliverez, Georg C. F. Greve, Georg C. F. Greve shared this.
2012-08-17T07:00:23+00:00 To: Public
2012-07-26T15:04:24+00:00 To: Public
#Qt Quick 2 was putting up quite some resistance against being probed by #GammaRay, by suppressing QChildEvents. GammaRay won.Jure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
leo franchi, leo franchi shared this.
2012-07-22T17:27:55+00:00 To: Public
the video of my talk on domain specific debugging tools at #Akademy is now available: http://bit.ly/ORsClR2012-07-16T15:15:47+00:00 To: Public
#KDAB's KDSoap is now available on github: http://ur1.ca/9sdobKevin Ottens, Kevin Ottens shared this.
2012-07-10T14:31:26+00:00 To: Public
Want to write a plug-in for #GammaRay 1.2? The API docs are now online: http://ur1.ca/9ra3a2012-07-07T08:39:08+00:00 To: Public
Big thanks to the organizers of #Akademy, that was an awesome conference!2012-07-06T07:03:30+00:00 To: Public
#KDAB's #GammaRay 1.2 has been released, with new QAction/QStyle/QPainter tools, http://ur1.ca/5jz64