Warren Whitlock warren@identi.ca
Author, blogger, social media expert and book marketing strategist. co-author of http://TwitterHandbook.com
Ms Philosopher msphilosopher@identi.ca
Argalintayn Örtöö, Mongolia
I am a doctoral student and a writer. I am building an online community. please join.
michael s. logan michaelslogan@identi.ca
Brain fitness expert, domestic violence and anger management educator, late-life father to Hannah and Shane
ernie dulanowsky pulsewidth@identi.ca
wireless LAN support drone by day, sound art, noise and drones by night
Alex Sysoef thespotter@identi.ca
IT Pro, Blogger, Webmaster and internet marketer who shares knowledge and experience if form of tutorials
Bill Whetstone tvisio@identi.ca
Multi-Media Artist - Lover of Home Grown Tomatoes, Creator of Google's #1 DIY Economic Stimulus @ http://www.tvisio.com
Ross Goldberg rossgoldberg@identi.ca
I went from crippled and in a wheelchair to become someone who helps people reach more customers every day. How can I help you?