War Resisters International wri@identi.ca
War Resisters' International supports and connects people around the world who refuse, nonviolently, to take part in war.
2013-06-27T10:05:50+00:00 via web To: Public
GREECE: A wave of COs repeatedly punished - email the authorities: http://identi.ca/url/76057062 - info: http://wri-irg.org/node/219902013-06-21T12:57:49+00:00 via web To: Public
Historias de resistentes a la guerra, Junio 2013! Historias sobre #Turquía, objetores de #conciencia más! http://identi.ca/url/760313842013-06-21T09:03:56+00:00 via web To: Public
El objetor de conciencia griego Nikos Karanikas sometido a jucio militar en Atenas @warresistersint wri-irg.org/node/219792013-06-20T14:27:41+00:00 via web To: Public
Berichte aus der WRI, Juni, No. 5: http://identi.ca/url/760275612013-06-20T14:26:27+00:00 via web To: Public
Informe sobre la Conferencia Internacional Sobre la Resistencia a los Impuestos para la Guerra, febrero en Bogotá wri-irg.org/node/219732013-06-20T14:26:19+00:00 via web To: Public
Report on the International Conference on War Tax Resistance and Peace Tax Campaigns held February in Bogotá wri-irg.org/node/219722013-05-29T15:41:27+00:00 via web To: Public
Up and running... A #ConscientiousObjector's Guide to the International #HumanRights System has been launched! http://wri-irg.org/COGuide2013-05-20T13:16:11+00:00 via web To: Public
2013-05-17T11:43:57+00:00 via web To: Public
#Israel: Judíos ortodoxos protestan contra su alistamiento en el Ejército is.gd/rKhv8Q2013-05-16T11:30:02+00:00 via web To: Public
Demonstrate for Natan Blanc - #CO in prison for the tenth time - May 21, 18:00 opposite the Ministry of Defence, Kaplan Street, Tel-Aviv2013-05-13T13:56:24+00:00 via web To: Public
2013-05-10T10:10:55+00:00 via web To: Public
COs to Form Association in Turkey - it will be launched on May 18th, in the week of International #COsDay is.gd/K15ngy2013-05-02T15:58:12+00:00 via web To: Public
Who served their country better: George Bush or Kimberly Rivera? asks Amy Goodman in the Guardian http://is.gd/F2im3m2013-05-01T11:17:30+00:00 via web To: Public
CO-Alert: #conscientiousobjector Kimberly #Rivera imprisoned. Take action here - http://identi.ca/url/75767323 #USA #Iraq2013-04-30T10:42:29+00:00 via web To: Public
Counter a new face of #militarism: support #WRI! http://identi.ca/url/75761606 - could you support WRI in your Will?2013-04-30T10:22:18+00:00 via web To: Public
Estrategias para el cambio social - ¡El fusil roto, ahora en pdf! http://identi.ca/url/757615442013-04-17T13:58:55+00:00 via web To: Public
Justin Colby - an #Iraq war resister - has been imprisoned in the #USA. Call for his release: http://identi.ca/url/756905092013-04-15T14:10:35+00:00 via web To: Public
Stop making a killing from war: #demilitarize now. WRI statement on the Global Day of Action on Military Spending wri-irg.org/node/215462013-04-08T10:10:26+00:00 via web To: Public
#Iraq resister Kim #Rivera to be sentenced this month - call for her immediate release is.gd/5C9TnJ #USA2013-04-08T10:07:34+00:00 via web To: Public
WRI condemns 'shameful' attacks on Nazlie Bala in #Kosovo wri-irg.org/node/21536