yahya69 yahya69@identi.ca
From time to time checking this account, but it seems that with no groups, no search and no #hashtags, identi.ca is officially dead now. R.I.P.
2015-10-29T10:54:07Z via snarl.de To: Public
BREAKING: Imprisoned Saudi blogger Raif Badawi wins European Union's prestigious Sakharov Prize for human rights
Jailed, flogged Saudi blogger Badawi wins EU rights prizeBRUSSELS (AP) — A Saudi blogger sentenced to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes for insulting Muslim clerics has won the European Union's prestigious Sakharov Prize for human rights. Raif Badawi was honored with the award…
2015-10-29T00:38:32Z via snarl.de To: Public
#Russia: First #indigenous peoples' organisation declared "foreign agent" @BarentsObserver
First indigenous foreign agents in BarentsThe Nenets organization Yasavey Manzara is the first indigenous peoples´ organization in the Barents Region to be declared as “foreign agents”.
2015-10-29T00:38:28Z via snarl.de To: Public
Please RT to raise awareness of the plight of cats trapped in a folk music environment
2015-10-29T00:38:26Z via snarl.de To: Public
#Russia: Evenks of Amur region vow to stop UK based gold miner http://www.iwgia.org/news/search-news?news_id=1259 @FIANDeutschland @londonmining
Russia: Evenks of Amur Region vow to stop UK based gold mining company<strong>Indigenous residents of Ivanovskoye village in Selemdzhinski District in Amur Region in Russia's Far East are outraged by the plans of a UK based gold mining company to start an open cast gold mine less than two kilo...
2015-09-15T21:00:02Z via snarl.de To: Public
#Russia: #Indigenous Khanty urge governor to protect them against abuse by #Oilers
Russia: "They want to destroy us as a people"<strong>In a letter to the governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area-Yugra Natalia Komarova, the region's indigenous peoples are urging her to intervene in an ongoing conflict with the oil industry. The letter is signed by 11 repre...
2015-09-15T18:58:58Z via snarl.de To: Public
Hoffentlich Allianz versichert… und mit privatem Schiedsgericht doppelt abgesichert! #belomonte
Hoffentlich Allianz versichert… und mit privatem Schiedsgericht doppelt abgesichert!Ganz ohne Verträge im TTIP-Style: Wie Versicherer und Rückversicherer juristischen Streit zwischen Großbritannien und Brasilien säen Versicherer wie die Allianz mussten in den vergangenen Jahren of…
2015-09-09T20:07:32Z via snarl.de To: Public
Please sign to stop the persecution of Sergey Kechimov! https://www.change.org/p/yuri-chaika-general-prosecutor-of-russian-federation-general-prosecutor-office-of-russia-stop-the-persecution-of-sergey-kechimov-and-investigate-surgutneftegaz-destructive-activities-on-khanti-ancestral-lands?recruiter=42418161& via @ChangeGER @johrohr @uferwerk
Yuri Chaika, General Prosecutor of Russian Federation, General Prosecutor office of Russia: Stop the persecution of Sergey Kechimov and investigate Surgutneftegaz destructive activities on Khanti ancestral lands!Sergey Kechimov, a deer-herder from Yugra (Siberia) may be jailed for up to 2 years for protecting the Imlor lake, a sacred place for the local Khanti people.Sergey dared to challenge Surgutneftegaz - one of the most powerful oil companies in Russia - which got the permission for oil drilling at the Imlor lake regardless the opinion of native people.
For the Khanti of Surgut, even hunting, fishing, burning fires, picking up mushrooms and herbs around the lake were traditionally forbidden activities. Supported by the conclusions of an official examination carried out by State experts in history and culture, the Khanti requested the authorities to grant the lake territory special protection status. In April 2012, a project of local Government’s stated they would include the “Sacred lake of Imlor” into the official registry of protected cultural heritage sites. But the initial project was ultimately declined due to pressure from the oil industry.
Thus, the welfare of both the native people and the environment were sacrificed to Surgutneftegaz’s profit. Oil rigs started to appear around the lake. Even as the full-scale industrial drilling had not begun, oil started to leak from the pipelines and into the lake.
For many years, Sergey Kechimov, belonging to a generation of deer-herders, protected the Imlor lake from poachers. He could not remain quiet as the oil industry started destroying it. He repeatedly complained to the authorities about the pollution of the lake – thus infuriating the oil company management more and more.
Last Fall, dogs belonging to the oil-company workers, killed one of Sergey’s deers and attacked him as well. Sergey was forced to shoot one of the dogs. The incident took place within an area designated as a ”territory of traditional use of natural resources” to protect the way of life of the ancestral people. Instead of questioning the oil company’s activity in such a location, a few days later the police visited Sergey Kechimov and asked him to sign a document. A forest dweller with little experience in handling documents, Sergey signed what turned to be a confession to “threatening” and “blackmailing” the oil workers.
A criminal case is now open and Sergey may face up to 2 years in prison. More detailed description of the situation is here (in Russian). See also Al-Jazeera video (in English)
Please join us in calling on the Russian/Siberian authorities:
-To withdraw all the accusations against Sergey Kechimov for fighting to protect his ancestral land from the oil business.
-To investigate the legality of Surgutneftegaz’ “rights” to perform any work within the Khanti’s protected ancestral lands.
-To ensure the Prosecutor's Office enforces the ancestral rights of the Khanti people within the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region.2015-09-01T08:00:02Z via snarl.de To: Public
#Russia: Support #indigenous keeper of sacred lake oil industry wants jailed SIGN PETITION&RT
Yuri Chaika, General Prosecutor of Russian Federation, General Prosecutor office of Russia: Stop the persecution of Sergey Kechimov and investigate Surgutneftegaz destructive activities on Khanti ancestral lands!Sergey Kechimov, a deer-herder from Yugra (Siberia) may be jailed for up to 2 years for protecting the Imlor lake, a sacred place for the local Khanti people.Sergey dared to challenge Surgutneftegaz - one of the most powerful oil companies in Russia - which got the permission for oil drilling at the Imlor lake regardless the opinion of native people.
For the Khanti of Surgut, even hunting, fishing, burning fires, picking up mushrooms and herbs around the lake were traditionally forbidden activities. Supported by the conclusions of an official examination carried out by State experts in history and culture, the Khanti requested the authorities to grant the lake territory special protection status. In April 2012, a project of local Government’s stated they would include the “Sacred lake of Imlor” into the official registry of protected cultural heritage sites. But the initial project was ultimately declined due to pressure from the oil industry.
Thus, the welfare of both the native people and the environment were sacrificed to Surgutneftegaz’s profit. Oil rigs started to appear around the lake. Even as the full-scale industrial drilling had not begun, oil started to leak from the pipelines and into the lake.
For many years, Sergey Kechimov, belonging to a generation of deer-herders, protected the Imlor lake from poachers. He could not remain quiet as the oil industry started destroying it. He repeatedly complained to the authorities about the pollution of the lake – thus infuriating the oil company management more and more.
Last Fall, dogs belonging to the oil-company workers, killed one of Sergey’s deers and attacked him as well. Sergey was forced to shoot one of the dogs. The incident took place within an area designated as a ”territory of traditional use of natural resources” to protect the way of life of the ancestral people. Instead of questioning the oil company’s activity in such a location, a few days later the police visited Sergey Kechimov and asked him to sign a document. A forest dweller with little experience in handling documents, Sergey signed what turned to be a confession to “threatening” and “blackmailing” the oil workers.
A criminal case is now open and Sergey may face up to 2 years in prison. More detailed description of the situation is here (in Russian). See also Al-Jazeera video (in English)
Please join us in calling on the Russian/Siberian authorities:
-To withdraw all the accusations against Sergey Kechimov for fighting to protect his ancestral land from the oil business.
-To investigate the legality of Surgutneftegaz’ “rights” to perform any work within the Khanti’s protected ancestral lands.
-To ensure the Prosecutor's Office enforces the ancestral rights of the Khanti people within the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region.2015-08-31T02:00:26Z via snarl.de To: Public
Pro-democracy activist @N_BinGhaith disappeared in #UAE & now at risk of torture. @HHShkMohd can help, tweet him now!
2015-08-23T10:47:38Z via snarl.de To: Public
23 August 1927: #Sacco & #Vanzetti murdered by US judiciary. That agony is your triumph!
In memoriam Here's To You (Ennio Morricone & Joan Baez) Here's to you, Nicola and Bart Rest forever here in our hearts The last and final moment is yours Tha...
2015-08-15T14:12:36Z via snarl.de To: Public
I have been tweeting this everyday.
Will you join me?
Over 1200 Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women - #MMIW2015-08-07T18:11:57Z via snarl.de To: Public
Bio-fairer Handel: Die Botschaft der Umsatzzahlen 1974; 2014
Bio-fairer Handel: Die Botschaft der Umsatzzahlen 1974; 20141974: 10.000 DM Monatsumsatz...
Ob unser WELTMARKT, einer der ersten ehrenamtlich betriebenen „Dritte-Welt-Läden“ - so sagte man damals – jemals einen Monatsumsatz von 10.000 DM erreicht hat, weiß ich nicht mehr. Wenn überhaupt, dann in der heißen Startphase um 1974/75. Die Idee „Fairer/Gerechter H2015-08-05T15:42:38Z via snarl.de To: Public
#Entwicklungsziel mit Glaubwürdigkeitsproblem: "Sofortmaßnahmen gegen den Klimawandel" #SDGs
Eine wunderschöne Absichtserklärung: UNO-Entwicklungsziel Nr. 13Mir will scheinen, es ist vor allem freundliche Ironie, mit der Engagierte und Sachkundige die Entwicklungsziele der Vereinten Nationen für die Jahre 2016-2030 begrüßen. Eine Welt, in der diese siebzehn hehren Ziele Wirklichkeit geworden wären, ließe ja wirklich kaum Wünsche offen, menschenrechtlich
2015-08-04T09:41:53Z via snarl.de To: Public
15.000 Generationen legen zusammen – für eine einzige!
15.000 Generationen legen zusammen – für eine einzige!Rechnen wir mal konservativ. Schließlich bin ich nicht vom Fach und möchte mir nicht nachsagen lassen, dass ich mit umstrittenen Zahlen Stimmung mache. Konservativ, jenseits der Streits der Fachgelehrten bleibe ich, wenn ich behaupte, dass wir Menschen das Feuer seit mindestens 450.000 Jahren aktiv
2015-08-03T22:40:03Z via snarl.de To: Public
Hungerblockade – diesmal im Jemen
Hungerblockade - diesmal im JemenDie Entwicklungs- und Menschenrechtsorganisation OXFAM hat einen guten Ruf zu verlieren. Deshalb unterstelle ich, dass die Freunde nicht um der puren Schlagzeile willen davon sprechen, dass die kriegsbedingte Hungerblockade im Jemen inzwischen nahezu die Hälfte der Bevölkerung der Gefahr des Hungert
2015-08-03T22:24:00Z via snarl.de To: Public
Atomwaffen 70 Jahre nach Hiroshima Zurück zu Adenauers „Artillerie“ ?
Atomwaffen 70 Jahre nach Hiroshima Zurück zu Adenauers „Artillerie“ ?2. August 2015. Ein Sonntag mit seinen politischen Schlagzeilen und Sportmeldungen; Urlaubszeit, sonst nichts Aufregendes. Der 2. August 1945, 70 Jahre früher, war einer dieser Tage, die uns den Vergleich „vorher – nachher“ aufdrängen.
Am 2. August 1945, als wir befreiten und besiegten Deutschen2015-07-26T14:36:27Z via snarl.de To: Public
Oregano und Gartenhummeln: Beziehungskiste hinterm Haus #bienensterben #garten
Oregano und Gartenhummeln: Beziehungskiste hinterm HausOregano, der Wilde Majoran, ist nicht gerade Top-Favorit für den Wettbewerb „Wer hat den hipsten Vorgarten“. Jeder Baumarkt hat da eine überlegene Auswahl grellbunter Blumenschalen auf bodendeckendem Kiesgrund auf Lager. Exotisch, modisch, insektenabweisend, Pflegeaufwand gegen Null.
Oregano, unser2015-07-23T06:52:32Z via snarl.de To: Public
Honorable Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi: Stop Mapithel Dam construction NOW! - ขอร่วมลง... https://www.change.org/p/honorable-prime-minister-shri-narendra-modi-stop-mapithel-dam-construction-now?recruiter=16498491rp_sharecordion_checklist=checklist_promote_share_first via @ChangePilipinas
Honorable Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi: Stop Mapithel Dam construction NOW!Shri. Narendra Modi
Honorable Prime Minister
South Block, Raisina Hill
New Delhi-110011
Dear Prime Minister Modi,
The Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) and Naga Peoples Movement for Human Rights (NPMHR) write to express our deep concern regarding the construction of Mapithel Dam (Thoubal Multipurpose Project) by the Government of Manipur that threatens the survival of many tribals and non-tribals, and has resulted in the violation of their rights.
As you may be aware, the Mapithel Dam was approved by the Planning Commission of India in 1980 and it was originally slated to be completed in 1987. At its completion, the dam would affect more than 8,000 people in 22 villages. From information we received, the construction of the dam has been accompanied by widespread militarization of the area. There has been a history of illegal detention and torture of some villagers who have been defending their rights against the construction which has come without their free prior and informed consent. It has given rise to insecurity and fear among the villagers.
Construction started only in the 1990s and in clear violation of procedural and statutory requirements, the GOM applied for forest and environmental clearance only in 1998, almost two decades after the approval of the project and almost a decade after starting the construction. Further, while applying for the clearance, no proper assessment was done and none of the affected villagers were consulted as mandated by law. Despite these glaring irregularities, the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF) has given final clearance without any site assessments or visits to the affected areas. Under the Forest Rights Act and the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, diversion of forestland without recognition of rights and consent of the villages is a crime. The actions of the GOM and the MOEF are also in direct violation of the Supreme Court's order in Orissa Mining Corporation vs. Ministry of Environment and Forests and Ors. (the Vedanta case).
We are informed that on 10 January 2015, the Government of Manipur began filling up portions of the river which had been diverted for the construction of the dam. This is despite the fact that the rehabilitation and resettlement process for the dam is not completed. Many villages directly affected by the dam has not been taken into account and many families of those in the official list of affected are yet to be compensated. The social and economic impact assessment which is a requirement is not properly done yet. The affected peoples have made numerous submissions to the appropriate authorities without any response.
There are also many people are still resisting the dam and refusing any package whatsoever. Meanwhile the water level has begun to submerge at least six houses in Chadong village and in spite of the urgent threat to the lives and livelihood of the affected peoples, the Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R & R) plan has not been finalized.
In 1990, an R & R was formulated but there were widespread protests against it. Therefore, in 1993 a Memorandum of Agreed Terms and Conditions (MOATC) was signed between some of the affected villagers and the Government of Manipur. However, this MOATC did not cover all the affected villages (none of the downstream villages were covered) and was also limited to private landowners within the submergence area. This left out many other villagers whose access to livelihood would be adversely impacted. In 1998, another R & R was formulated but this again was limited in terms of geographical coverage; only 6 affected villages are covered in this policy document leaving 16 affected villages out of its purview. This led to villagers demanding for a review of the R & R and in 2008, an Expert Review Committee (ERC) was formed to look into the holistic needs of the affected villagers. However, before the ERC gave any concrete recommendations, we are informed that the GOM has made it non-functional.
According to information received, in complete disregard for the rights of the affected villagers and the GOM’s own resettlement policy which states that the resettlement plan would be completed 1 (one) year before the completion of the dam, the GOM has issued notices in local newspapers for Chadong villagers to immediately evacuate the area, which is tantamount to forced eviction.
All these facts, prima facie, point to a systematic abuse of power and illegalities committed by the GOM. And for this we seek your attention for your urgent action on the following:
*Immediately halt the construction of the dam and immediately decommission the project; *Immediately withdraw and stop the militarization of the area; *Respect the right to Free Prior Informed Consent of the affected villagers who have already articulated their opposition to the dam construction; *As top priority, urgently address the holistic needs of those whose houses are submerged and are going to be submerged.2015-07-22T15:33:32Z via snarl.de To: Public
#EMRIP: Endorois, Sámi Council & IWGIA call on @UNESCO to protect #indigenous rights in #WorldHeritageConvention
8th Session of the EMRIP: Joint statement on indigenous rights and World Heritage<p><strong><strong>Joint statement on the continued lack of protection of the rights of indigenous peoples with respect to their cultural heritage in the context of UNESCO’s World Heritage Convention</strong></strong></p><br />
<...2015-07-17T18:00:03Z via snarl.de To: Public
#Russia: #indigenous Khanty elder, keeper of sacred lake facing prison for self-defence against oil workers' dogs
Russia: Guardian of Khanty sacred lake facing prison for defending himself against stray dogs brought in by oil workers<strong>In West Siberia’s Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District, an indigenous Khanty elder, who is the keeper of the sacred lake Imlor, is facing up to two years behind bars after defending himself and his reindeer against stray...