Yann Le Guennec ylg11@identi.ca


  • Rob Myers robmyers@identi.ca


    "a self-defined artist, writer and hacker" - MakeTank.

  • furtherfield furtherfield@identi.ca

    London, United Kingdom

    Furtherfield co-creates extraordinary art engaging and inclusive digital and physical practices in art, technology and social change

  • Aymeric Mansoux 320x200@identi.ca

    Dormant account, I moved to our new federated instance for discussion about net/computational/free/algorithmic art and culture. https://post.lurk.org/@320x200

  • Diaspora joindiaspora@identi.ca

    Diaspora is an awesome, distributed, open source social network in the making from some young hackers at NYU

  • Olivier Auber olivierauber@identi.ca

    Paris, France

    Théorie du bricolage Bricolage théorique

  • antoinemoreau antoinemoreau@identi.ca

    graphie art libre copyleft

  • jean marc manach manhack@identi.ca

    Qui surveillera les surveillants ? Journaliste 'pure player' et blogueur depuis 1999, sur internetactu.net & lemonde.fr, notamment.

  • Isabelle Vodjdani isavodj@identi.ca

    Paris, France

    Art, ArtLibre, Copyleft, Iran, Cailloux, Animaux, Bricoles et Bricolages, Sciences, Récits et autres curiosités