Roy yoroy@identi.ca
Hilversum, Netherlands
Interaction designer. Drupal UX-team lead. Make more sketches
2012-07-14T20:22:37+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: Public
identi.ca, that is2012-07-14T20:15:26+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: Public
Long time no see2011-01-13T15:03:17+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: Public
RT @mediatheeknhl: t/m 11 februari exposeert het Grafisch Atelier Friesland werk van verschillende kunstenaars #nhlhogeschool2011-01-05T09:41:43+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: a(n) person, Public
RT @webchick: #Drupal 7 is now out! Friendly and powerful #opensource #CMS so awesome it won't fit in 140 chars. Try it! http://ping.fm/CHZK2010-10-27T21:25:28+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: Public
Cloud serviced syncing be damned, still saving as untitled to the desktop2010-10-23T11:49:49+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: a(n) person, Public
RT @webchick: Say hello to the next (and possibly the last?) beta for #Drupal 7: http://ping.fm/gSvYF Please hammer on it!2010-10-20T10:39:48+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: Public
Boterham met speculaas2010-10-14T14:55:08+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: Public
@louisrosenfeld: The lorem ipsums of information architecture: terms I would ban: http://is.gd/g146x2010-10-13T11:03:29+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: a(n) person, Public
RT @designlearning: UX design in open source development: Approaches to usability work in the Moodle community http://bit.ly/cCLjuV2010-10-12T21:17:35+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: Public
The business of Drupal - Notes from the Drupal Executive Days Meeting in Brussels http://ow.ly/2Ssgj by Ronald Ashri2010-10-11T22:30:38+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: Public
RT @Bojhan: Awesome list: 5 things you need to know as designer @azaaza http://bit.ly/b3un88 - loving 1, something that's rarely pointed out2010-10-10T12:14:00+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: Public
U gaat toch nog wel naar het bos vandaag? #prachtig2010-10-09T12:23:08+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: Public
RT @OneShoe: #Drupalcxo jjoin the linkedin group for Drupal CEO CFO CXO's to discuss further after this interesting CXO day in Brussels.2010-10-04T17:55:18+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: Public
GrabBox sends screenshots to your Dropbox Public folder & copies the URL to the clipboard http://ow.ly/2OefL #Mac #Free2010-09-29T21:09:28+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: Public
Sorry, slak. #krak2010-09-28T22:00:48+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: Public
RT @breun: "OpenOffice.org Declares Independence From Oracle, Becomes LibreOffice" http://bit.ly/cmqMNB2010-09-27T11:31:16+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: Public
RT @jeffparks: ... I'm convinced the biggest room for growth is that of communicating effectively; it's never about the technology.2010-09-27T10:21:13+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: Public
RT @Bojhan: New blog post about the design of Drupal 7's contextual links : http://ping.fm/qR2Th #drupalux2010-09-27T17:53:53+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: Public
RT @OneShoe: Snapit: a version control system for Drupal settings, blocks, views, roles and permissions http://bit.ly/bhbmGG2010-09-23T17:36:01+00:00 in Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands To: Public
@frurken Cool, Ik zit er zelf middenin als interaction designer in open source project. Proces is nog meer disruptive dan de modellen imo.