Yannick Delbecque zigong@identi.ca
Montreal, Canada
Enseignant mathématiques, cégep St-Laurent Ph.D. Computer science, McGill University http://yannick.delbecque.org
#NSA killed my internet. Now i have to build a #gnu one
Nikos Alexandris, Ch Iossif, Yannick Delbecque, Theodoros G. Karounos and 2 others likes this.
Theodoros G. Karounos, RiveraValdez, Danc, Stefano Zacchiroli shared this.
The Anarcat at 2013-04-15T20:07:59+00:00
!koumbitstatus we will upgrade #hag to PHP 5.3 this wednesday - more information will be available as we get questions …Yannick Delbecque likes this.