2013-07-09T19:21:14+00:00 in France via Choqok To: Public
2013-06-29T13:57:12+00:00 in France via Choqok To: Public
Welcome to the (don't be) evil empire ur1.ca/eh6y92013-06-10T14:34:14+00:00 in France via Choqok To: Public
After two weeks in bed or on the couch, I at last reach #InboxZero. Just took me a full day...Georg C. F. Greve shared by Kevin Ottens at 2013-06-03T09:20:10+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
♻ @lhawthorn: 'Grit' is more important than IQ http://t.co/wOi8FXFAv8 > Hear, hear!Kevin Ottens shared this.
2013-05-13T12:51:41+00:00 in France via Choqok To: Public
♻ @CyrilleDeruel: People Are Not Resources http://t.co/rOS7eChqZv #respect2013-05-10T11:36:59+00:00 in France via Choqok To: Public
!KDE Manifesto: On The Doorstep http://ur1.ca/ds7uoCharles NSALAMBI, Charles NSALAMBI, Lydia Pintscher, Lydia Pintscher shared this.
2013-05-07T18:38:08+00:00 in France via Choqok To: Public
It looks like I'll end up stuck with a non-free non-federated data silo named Twitter, I really don't like this idea... [2/2] !identicaWhat's preventing you from #federating yourself or getting an account at an #existing federated server ?2013-05-07T18:36:47+00:00 in France via Choqok To: Public
Hmm... Am I the only one concerned about the upcoming upgrade on !identica ? API incompatible even... good way to drive users away [1/2]Or a good way to jump start a new service that people might not try otherwise. #pumpio needs #identica users to build momentum.zoowar at 2013-05-07T18:53:18+00:00
ghostdancer, Evan Prodromou, Erkan Yılmaz, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
I’d have gone !federated a long time ago if it weren’t for my unreliable Internet connection. Self-hosting is for rich people w/ great ISPs.@marjoleink also, I'd highly recommend that if people move to another server, they change their identi.ca "homepage" to reflect it.Evan Prodromou at 2013-05-08T18:22:55+00:00
Erkan Yılmaz likes this.
2013-05-07T18:34:00+00:00 in France via Choqok To: Public
An update on the !KDE Frameworks effort and how one can help: "Frameworks Finding Their Voice" ur1.ca/dqi47Jure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
Lydia Pintscher, Lydia Pintscher, Jure Repinc (JLP), Jure Repinc (JLP) shared this.
2013-05-05T20:22:15+00:00 in France via Choqok To: Public
Excellent interview with @henrikkniberg about the Scaling Agile at Spotify paper (a must read too): ur1.ca/dp8s52013-05-02T20:35:37+00:00 in France via Choqok To: Public
♻ @BodySplash: Iterative Estimation http://t.co/uGL7kLHEHl2013-05-02T20:32:29+00:00 in France via Choqok To: Public
♻ @ptarkkonen: "You cannot base your life on other people's expectations. " -Stevie Wonder (via @YvesHanoulle)2013-04-26T17:22:19+00:00 in France via Choqok To: a(n) person, Public
2013-04-23T06:49:27+00:00 in France via Choqok To: Public
♻ @EricROCHEBLAVE: Victimes de « Burn-out » : vos droits http://t.co/0dCP3q3KKZ (via @thierrycros)2013-04-21T13:30:37+00:00 in France via Choqok To: Public
♻ @dadoonet: Functionnal programming for dummies (like me) with cartoons... http://t.co/QTymPW7HQC (via @noullet)2013-04-21T13:26:01+00:00 in France via Choqok To: Public
♻ @tobiasmayer: If you find the word "and" or "all" in a user story, find a way to remove that word. #SmallStories (via @oaz)2013-04-21T13:24:08+00:00 in France via Choqok To: Public
♻ @KentBeck: if you are rewriting a system, i strongly, really strongly, urge you to read this: http://t.co/b245vJ0evM via @danmil2013-04-18T08:24:59+00:00 in France via Choqok To: Public
♻ @thierrycros: l'agile est mort, vive l'agile ! http://t.co/DLGGUVd0tzSebastian Kügler shared by Kevin Ottens at 2013-04-17T12:43:04+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Tokamak 6 Kicking Off: Why switch graphics stacks? - http://ur1.ca/dez25Kevin Ottens, Kevin Ottens shared this.
Sebastian Kügler shared by Kevin Ottens at 2013-04-17T12:43:04+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Tokamak 6 Kicking Off: Why switch graphics stacks? - http://ur1.ca/dez25Kevin Ottens, Kevin Ottens shared this.