ghostdancer ghostdancer@identi.ca
Donostia - San Sebastián
Some time ago I went to the fediverse. Now on https://mastodon.sdf.org/@ghostdancer dad, debian user, geek, love cooking and eating (not foodie) and drinking(from beer to whisky all the way through wine and gintonic)
2018-09-06T19:41:11Z via Dianara CC: Public
Who you gonna call??
JanKusanagi at 2018-09-06T20:18:08Z
Mussot valéry, ghostdancer likes this.
Glyn Moody shared by ghostdancer at 2016-09-01T22:21:53Z via AndStatus To: Public
BT sues Valve over alleged infringement of four patents covering basic online tech - http://arstechnica.co.uk/tech-policy/2016/09/bt-sues-valve-patents-details/ghostdancer shared this.
Pump.io 1.0.0 is now available!
Pump.io Community shared by ghostdancer at 2016-08-27T23:41:17Z via AndStatus To: Public
Greetings, pumpers!
Pump.io 1.0.0 is now available! You can get it from npm or GitHub.
Note that this release does contain security improvements. Admins are strongly encouraged to upgrade.
Curious to find out more? Check out the release announcement!ostfriesenmärz, archaeme, Marcos, Sotitrox and 31 others likes this.
ostfriesenmärz, archaeme, Marcos, Jose Carlos Jimenez and 18 others shared this.
Show all 6 replies>> JanKusanagi:
"Why would it not be? =)”
I was watching Alex's talk about the Pump.io network the other day, and he mentioned that Identi.ca is a super special snowflake because it's been modified to read from the old Status.net data store as well as the new Pump.io one, so I figured it might not be a supported configuration.
It's already Pump.io just like the other nodes, there's no reason not to upgrade it.
It has extra data from the StatusNet import, but that was converted loooong ago.
JanKusanagi at 2016-08-28T01:57:51Z
AJ Jordan, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Screwtape likes this.
@Screwtape unfortunately my answer to that particular question was misinformed. Jan is correct - identi.ca is a special snowflake, but that's just because of the sheer size of the database, not because of any custom code. (Maybe I should add a note to the video...)
In any case, identi.ca will, in fact, probably get 1.0.0 at some point :)
AJ Jordan at 2016-08-29T00:14:34Z
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Screwtape likes this.
Help Aruba vote for love
B. Ross Ashley shared by ghostdancer at 2016-08-20T23:22:35Z via AndStatus To: Public
In the Caribbean, living as an openly gay person can be incredibly tough. In places like Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, many local LGBT Caribbeans have to live in fear every single day.
But a small island in the Caribbean is about to break that trend in a HUGE way.
This Monday, Aruba will vote on civil unions for same-sex couples. The bill was introduced by Desiree de Sousa - Croes, an openly gay Senator who married her same sex partner in the Netherlands.
But religious leaders like Daniel Szpila, a Polish Catholic Priest, are running a vicious, counter-campaign, combating messages of love and equality by inciting violence and fear-mongering. Szpila said children of gay parents are destined to be handicapped, mentally disturbed, and emotionally deprived, among many other attacks.
We need to stop them from spreading their hate. Thousands of signatures from around the world will convince decision-makers that voting for love and equality in Aruba is the right thing to do.
Will you tell the Aruban parliament to open civil unions to same-sex couples?
Add your name now: http://go.allout.org/en/a/arubaEVAnaRkISTO, roy likes this.
ghostdancer, roy, roy shared this.
Tyng-Ruey Chuang shared by ghostdancer at 2016-08-17T06:01:03Z via AndStatus To: Public
http://www.freepress.net/blog/2016/08/10/a-dangerous-proposal-from-us-customs-and-border-protection U.S. CBP soon to follow me? 美國海關即將花路米?ghostdancer shared this.
Krugor shared by ghostdancer at 2016-08-07T13:53:59Z via AndStatus To: Public
Michele Montagna, Iván Ruvalcaba, Douglas Perkins, EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
ghostdancer shared this.
Avadiax shared by ghostdancer at 2016-07-21T14:53:55Z via AndStatus To: Public
wget -nc -r -R.* -A.pdf <ALL MICROSOFT EBOOKS WHICH ARE MADE FREE> https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/mssmallbiz/2016/07/10/free-thats-right-im-giving-away-millions-of-free-microsoft-ebooks-again-including-windows-10-office-365-office-2016-power-bi-azure-windows-8-1-office-2013-sharepoint-2016-sha/ghostdancer likes this.
ghostdancer shared this.
Thanks for posting...
A nice approach would be:
lynx --dump --listonly https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/mssmallbiz/2016/07/10/free-thats-right-im-giving-away-millions-of-free-microsoft-ebooks-again-including-windows-10-office-365-office-2016-power-bi-azure-windows-8-1-office-2013-sharepoint-2016-sha/ |grep ligman\.me | cut -d ' ' -f 3 > urls.txt
wget -w 10 --content-disposition --trust-server-names --no-directories -nc -r -R.* -A.pdf,.PDF,.epub,.EPUB -i ../urls.txt
the urls.txt need a tiny bit of cleaning first... but that way you aren't wasting a lot of servet time.
Freemor at 2016-07-21T01:10:05Z
ghostdancer likes this.
Meanwhile in a climate summit...
shared by ghostdancer at 2016-07-19T08:20:01Z via AndStatus To: Public
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), --, Marcos, EVAnaRkISTO and 2 others likes this.
der.hans, EVAnaRkISTO, ghostdancer, Doug Whitfield and 5 others shared this.
JanKusanagi at 2016-07-18T20:14:13Z
EVAnaRkISTO, Douglas Perkins likes this.
Andy Wingo @ Polyconf 16 -- Knit, Chisel, Hack: Building Programs in Guile Scheme
guile shared by ghostdancer at 2016-07-18T17:54:08Z via AndStatus To: Public
A new talk up by Andy Wingo, Guile maintainer and super-hacker!
Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber, Charles Stanhope, ghostdancer shared this.
Save Net neutrality in Europe
2016-06-25T10:46:58Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
gledof, Arcee, CUENTA NO ACTIVA likes this.
Arcee, Arcee, Arcee, CUENTA NO ACTIVA shared this.
Show all 7 replies>> EVAnaRkISTO:
“I'm using Tor and I have to solve a Google captcha to access their web. :(”
Evan, some people have started using this bookmarklet to get around that.
(function(){'use strict';var original=.href,proxy='https://web.archive.org/web/';.href=proxy+original;}());
Kete Foy at 2016-06-25T13:41:02Z
EVAnaRkISTO, Douglas Perkins likes this.
>> Kete Foy:
“>> EVAnaRkISTO:
“I'm using Tor and I have to solve a Google captcha to access their web. :(”
Evan, some people have started using this bookmarklet to get around that.
(function(){'use strict';var original=.href,proxy='https://web.archive.org/web/';.href=proxy+original;}());
I've used Startpage proxy feature to access other pages but it doesn't work on this one.Thanks for the info!
EVAnaRkISTO at 2016-06-25T14:54:49Z
Kete Foy likes this.
>> trinux:
D'oh! De todos modos piensa que acceder con Tor para firmar es un contrasentido. Tanto como entrar en Facebook, por ejemplo.”
No sé si es una web para firmar o para qué. No he pasado del captcha ;-)
“[...] No [...]”
Si no hay neutralidad te puedo asegurar que no habrá privacidad, si las carreteras no son de acceso libre podrán controlar quien, como y cuando circulan y vetar Tor. El captcha securamente será para evitar spambots porque las direcciones de muchos nodos tor de salida están marcadas como fuente de bots que las usan para spamear y andar cambiando de dirección de origen facilmente.
2014-05-22T19:42:59Z via Dianara CC: Public
2013-09-12T15:51:45Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
2013-08-20T13:46:31Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
good !tzag dear pumpkins
2013-08-19T11:57:30Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
good !tzag #identiverse
you're completely right :
Good !tzag #pumpverse , fellow pumpkins :-)
ghostdancer at 2013-08-19T12:09:52Z
Luis likes this.
2013-08-10T20:07:47Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
good !tzaf !identiverse enjoy your saturday night if you can and as much as you can
2013-08-10T10:37:06Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
good !tzag denting with pumpa , really nice long time since i last tried it
Andy C likes this.
Show all 8 repliesi know and added to that both you and JanKusanagi are really good ones with sense of humour
For me, the enemies are f******k, t*****r and such.
Pumpa is a great ally \o/
JanKusanagi at 2013-08-10T11:14:20Z
ghostdancer, sazius old account likes this.
2013-08-07T18:14:22Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
good analisys America's Chronic Overreaction to #Terrorism - #WSJ http://qttr.at/3g
https://twitter.com/EJosephSnowden/statuses/364623510078889985Marcelo Nogueira Dutra at 2013-08-07T18:46:24Z
ghostdancer likes this.