2013-07-11T00:07:37+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy via mauku To: Jolla, Public
@jolla Would your company like to engage with #osm? Join these good people sponsoring our annual conference http://t.co/v9C4AKWKQy2013-07-04T20:48:26+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy via mauku To: OpenStreetMap, Public
#hotosm: UNHCR is importing refugee camp information from Syria confict into !osm http://t.co/rrlk1htyEb2013-06-27T14:27:09+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy via mauku To: OpenStreetMap, Public
As Google has acquired #Waze, the #maemo #meego #sailfish community should develope a similar #Qt app based on !openstreetmapgiardia likes this.
Danc shared this.
2013-06-26T10:22:23+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy via mauku To: Jolla, Public
2013-06-20T23:54:35+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy via mauku To: Public
When pumpio?2013-06-16T19:51:50+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy via mauku To: OpenStreetMap, Public
2013-06-16T19:30:39+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy via mauku To: Public
Pumpio?2013-06-08T22:27:20+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy via mauku To: Public
Ciao identica and thanks for all the dents2013-06-03T22:32:13+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy via Emacs Identica-mode To: Jolla, Public
hey @jolla @JollaHQ @zzste your partner for the hardware is in china,they r good in copying things,let them copy N950 and finally sell us!giardia likes this.
2013-06-01T22:24:05+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy via mauku To: Public
Switched to pump.io ?2013-05-31T22:30:29+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy To: Public
C u identi.ca and thanks for all the fish2013-05-31T09:04:00+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy via mauku To: Public
2013-05-31T17:34:56+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy To: Jolla, Public
@jolla from tomorrow http://ur1.ca/687p1 will switch to pump.io. Any client will support it on the jolla phone?2013-05-25T17:20:47+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy To: Jolla, Public
@jolla nice idea! a qwerty keyboard as kickstand? they should switch to sailfishos! @JollaHQ @zzste @basil_s http://youtu.be/8MXd6N9iM-Q2013-05-10T13:44:38+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy To: a(n) person, Public
Is Whatsapp Inc. using !XMPP protocol?@giardia Yes, they use it.2013-04-23T07:53:52+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy To: Mike Sheldon, Public
RT @mikesheldon Spent some time playing with the !jolla #SailfishOS SDK and managed to get a rough port of Ogre3D working: http://bit.ly ...2013-04-22T11:04:10+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy To: Public
#mobilitànuova che grande invenzione non pago più bollo nè contravvenzione! #cambiastrada e non paghi più neanche assicurazione2013-04-19T16:05:54+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy To: Public
@jkosonen again api error 403 forbidden in fMobi for N9002013-04-15T21:58:38+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy To: a(n) person, Public
The first full !osm GPX Planet has just been released: http://t.co/jHndT4k1oP 260GB of #GPS traces #OSM♻ @giardia: The first full #osm GPX Planet has just been released: http://t.co/jHndT4k1oP 260GB of #GPS traces #OSM2013-04-05T17:21:21+00:00 in Rome, Latium, Italy To: Public
Ruby Rubacuori dice che il processo ruby, rinviato e mai iniziato, dimostra che non si prostituiva...bah