Jono Bacon jonobacon@identi.ca
Ubuntu Community Manager, Author and Musician. For the gory details, see http://www.jonobacon.org/about/
2012-10-04T10:07:41+00:00 To: Public
Join us NOW...LIVE...for our 24-hour Ubuntu charity marathon at http://is.gd/Lq4XcO #ubuntumarathon RT!Mussot valéry likes this.
Mitch Featherston, Mitch Featherston shared this.
2012-10-04T05:32:38+00:00 To: Public
Heading to bed soon for a few hours sleep before I get up at 2.45am ready for the #ubuntumarathon - woo! Join us at http://is.gd/Lq4XcO2012-10-04T05:12:30+00:00 To: Public
The horsemen marathon starts in just a few hours! See http://is.gd/zecNkJ and be sure to join us and DONATE! #ubuntumarathon2012-10-04T15:54:21+00:00 To: Public
Curious about what Ubuntu is doing for app devs? Join us at http://is.gd/Lq4XcO in a few minutes for our Q+A and update #ubuntumarathon2012-10-04T15:05:15+00:00 To: Public
Join http://is.gd/Lq4XcO now for an interview Daviey Walker about Ubuntu and the Cloud #ubuntumarathon2012-10-03T00:40:39+00:00 To: Public
Some thoughts on my team's focus in the 13.04 cycle - http://is.gd/0a4TPu #ubuntu2012-10-02T16:00:26+00:00 To: Public
Today I am going to work Gangnam Style.2012-10-01T21:38:35+00:00 To: Public
On Thursday this week we are doing the 24 hour #ubuntumarathon - be sure to donate! http://is.gd/Lq4XcOXavier G. likes this.
2012-09-28T15:25:54+00:00 To: Public
Great to see 1000 pounds already raised for the #ubuntumarathon next week - http://is.gd/Lq4XcO #ubuntu2012-09-26T20:57:39+00:00 To: Public
Man, barely had a chance to catch my breath today. Busy busy busy!2012-09-26T18:14:18+00:00 To: Public
Apologies, the Q+A has been canceled due to last minute technical issues. We will reschedule for later this week.2012-09-26T18:00:50+00:00 To: Public
Join me now for a live Ubuntu Q+A video session at http://ubuntuonair.com/ bring your questions! #ubuntu2012-09-26T17:36:06+00:00 To: Public
My team are going to do a 24-hour charity work marathon next week - more at http://is.gd/fT5HrG #ubuntumarathon2012-09-24T23:04:12+00:00 To: Public
For those of you concerned with the privacy of the Ubuntu dash online searches, please see http://is.gd/XBERcu #ubuntuRonaldo Nascimento likes this.
♺ @jonobacon: For those of you concerned with the privacy of the Ubuntu dash online searches, please see http://is.gd/XBERcu #ubuntuWindow btns at the top left make sense as the opposite of the "action buttons" at the bottom right. http://pastebin.com/RgagHQYC2012-09-24T14:58:53+00:00 To: Public
Morning all, how are we doing today?All work and no play makes !Ubuntu a dull Distro http://ur1.ca/af1222012-09-21T10:32:57+00:00 To: Public
wow, these new dash additions in Ubuntu 12.10 are sweet. :-) #ubuntu2012-09-17T08:50:33+00:00 To: Public
Today I turned 33 years old, and what do I want? I want you to donate to my Save The Children fund-raiser! http://is.gd/PUjSJw2012-09-11T01:24:38+00:00 To: Public
Quick note: I will be attending the next UDS in Copenhagen remotely due to it being close to the birth - http://is.gd/6prVFl #ubuntuEfrain Valles, Efrain Valles shared this.
2012-09-04T06:59:51+00:00 To: Public
How did you spend your labor day? Mine: http://is.gd/BHGjTo2012-08-31T21:27:55+00:00 To: Public
This week's #linuxcon has been excellent. Fantastic work, @linuxfoundation, for a well organized, content-rich event with great people!