2013-04-12T06:16:05+00:00 in Târgu Mureş, Romania via web To: Debian, Public
letssharehopes, vaheed likes this.
B. Ross Ashley, B. Ross Ashley, Freedom Maniac <Parin S.>, Freedom Maniac <Parin S.> shared this.
@mariuz There's APT for Windows? =O2013-04-11T13:45:32+00:00 in Târgu Mureş, Romania via web To: Public
Today I have created a 3 year reserved small instance : ! debian 6.0.x apache php using the version from AWS http://ur1.ca/b54ft2013-04-09T16:03:56+00:00 in Târgu Mureş, Romania via web To: Debian, Public
Got and installed 2x !Debian instances from AWS market place , install process is quite fast in a few minutes finished http://ur1.ca/b54ftBradley M. Kuhn shared by Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-04-07T14:44:05+00:00 via web To: Public
I've finally read this worthwhile (but lengthy) article: ur1.ca/d8deq re: @timoreilly (HT: @kaz & @jra). I blogged my response: ur1.ca/daedaMarcio B. Jr., Popa Adrian Marius, Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA, Jure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, Luis R. Rodriguez, Luis R. Rodriguez and 10 others shared this.
Bradley M. Kuhn shared by Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-04-07T14:44:05+00:00 via web To: Public
I've finally read this worthwhile (but lengthy) article: ur1.ca/d8deq re: @timoreilly (HT: @kaz & @jra). I blogged my response: ur1.ca/daedaMarcio B. Jr., Popa Adrian Marius, Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA, Jure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, Luis R. Rodriguez, Luis R. Rodriguez and 10 others shared this.
Debian Project shared by Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-03-28T08:43:03+00:00 via web To: Public
Check out the newly launched official !Debian blog: http://bits.debian.org/Philipp, RiveraValdez, Debian Users Gang, Hilton Garcia Fernandes and 3 others likes this.
RiveraValdez, RiveraValdez, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Hilton Garcia Fernandes and 22 others shared this.
Debian Project shared by Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-03-28T08:43:03+00:00 via web To: Public
Check out the newly launched official !Debian blog: http://bits.debian.org/Philipp, RiveraValdez, Debian Users Gang, Hilton Garcia Fernandes and 3 others likes this.
RiveraValdez, RiveraValdez, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Hilton Garcia Fernandes and 22 others shared this.
Simon Phipps shared by Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-03-28T08:42:05+00:00 via web To: Public
Here's an apple product advertisement many of us will still feel happy applauding: http://youtu.be/Y3rNQ2pTyAYPopa Adrian Marius, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Popa Adrian Marius, Popa Adrian Marius shared this.
Simon Phipps shared by Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-03-28T08:42:05+00:00 via web To: Public
Here's an apple product advertisement many of us will still feel happy applauding: http://youtu.be/Y3rNQ2pTyAYPopa Adrian Marius, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Popa Adrian Marius, Popa Adrian Marius shared this.
chromatic shared by Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-03-28T08:40:41+00:00 via web To: Public
The Cloud is the ultimate in DRM.Popa Adrian Marius, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Popa Adrian Marius, Popa Adrian Marius, Jean-Marc Liotier, Jean-Marc Liotier shared this.
chromatic shared by Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-03-28T08:40:41+00:00 via web To: Public
The Cloud is the ultimate in DRM.Popa Adrian Marius, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Popa Adrian Marius, Popa Adrian Marius, Jean-Marc Liotier, Jean-Marc Liotier shared this.
Stefano Zacchiroli shared by Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-03-28T08:40:32+00:00 via web To: Public
I'm super glad that the official !Debian #blog has now launched | check out interviews of the #dpl2013 candidates on it http://ur1.ca/d6xvrPopa Adrian Marius likes this.
Jose R Rodriguez, Jose R Rodriguez, Popa Adrian Marius, Popa Adrian Marius and 2 others shared this.
Stefano Zacchiroli shared by Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-03-28T08:40:32+00:00 via web To: Public
I'm super glad that the official !Debian #blog has now launched | check out interviews of the #dpl2013 candidates on it http://ur1.ca/d6xvrPopa Adrian Marius likes this.
Jose R Rodriguez, Jose R Rodriguez, Popa Adrian Marius, Popa Adrian Marius and 2 others shared this.
chromatic shared by Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-03-26T16:35:48+00:00 via web To: Public
Real documentation is *not* a comment which reads "Vomited out of the GWT compiler".Popa Adrian Marius likes this.
Popa Adrian Marius, Popa Adrian Marius shared this.
chromatic shared by Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-03-26T16:35:48+00:00 via web To: Public
Real documentation is *not* a comment which reads "Vomited out of the GWT compiler".Popa Adrian Marius likes this.
Popa Adrian Marius, Popa Adrian Marius shared this.
Bassam Kurdali shared by Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-03-26T16:32:42+00:00 via web To: Public
watching a python script that #xkcd -ifies matplotlib plots #ipython !libreplanet http://ur1.ca/ak0niPopa Adrian Marius, Popa Adrian Marius shared this.
Bassam Kurdali shared by Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-03-26T16:32:42+00:00 via web To: Public
watching a python script that #xkcd -ifies matplotlib plots #ipython !libreplanet http://ur1.ca/ak0niPopa Adrian Marius, Popa Adrian Marius shared this.
Stefano Zacchiroli shared by Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-03-26T16:24:41+00:00 via web To: Public
slides of my !libreplanet talk «Debian and Gnu» now available at http://ur1.ca/d5r03 thanks for the feedback & support!Popa Adrian Marius, Jure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
Popa Adrian Marius, Popa Adrian Marius, The Root's Updates, The Root's Updates and 6 others shared this.
Stefano Zacchiroli shared by Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-03-26T16:24:41+00:00 via web To: Public
slides of my !libreplanet talk «Debian and Gnu» now available at http://ur1.ca/d5r03 thanks for the feedback & support!Popa Adrian Marius, Jure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
Popa Adrian Marius, Popa Adrian Marius, The Root's Updates, The Root's Updates and 6 others shared this.
Stefano Zacchiroli shared by Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-03-26T16:23:49+00:00 via web To: Public
very good point by @rubenquidam «even if Debian becomes FSF-approved, a 100% Free Ubuntu derivative will still be useful» !libreplanetPopa Adrian Marius, Popa Adrian Marius shared this.