2013-08-10T18:02:47Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Monthly !olpc !sf meeting downtown at !sfsu with planning for Oct 18-20 Summit - details at olpcsf . org2013-07-10T15:50:39+00:00 in San Francisco, Provincia de Heredia, Costa Rica via mustard To: Public
The upcoming XO Tablet: A parent's perspective | !OLPC San Francisco - http://ur1.ca/eldo9Sameer Verma shared this.
As I wrote in https://identi.ca/spacehobo/image/1-N8bv8SSfK8d-GKjTUlCw, I find this development rather sad.Sameer Verma shared by San Francisco, CA, US at 2013-07-01T04:11:13+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Turbana partners with !OLPC to provide computers to underprivileged areas http://ur1.ca/egw1dHilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
San Francisco, CA, US, Hilton Garcia Fernandes shared this.
2013-06-25T20:33:26+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via mustard To: One Laptop Per Child, Public
The Engadget Show 44: Education with Google, !OLPC, http://ur1.ca/cyrpz, LeapFrog, SparkFun, Adafruit and more - http://ur1.ca/efwekSameer Verma shared by San Francisco, CA, US at 2013-06-15T16:06:12+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Heading out to !OLPC SF June meeting. Today is about community summit planning, school server on a XO, book servers and more!San Francisco, CA, US shared this.
2013-05-18T23:03:55+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via mustard To: One Laptop Per Child, Public
The little kid that could | bhagmalpur - http://ur1.ca/dx8kn !OLPCSameer Verma, Sameer Verma shared this.
2013-05-18T22:45:58+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via mustard To: Public
OLPC working on XO laptop telescope and microscope peripherals (hands-on) - http://ur1.ca/dx8e1Evan Prodromou, Space Hobo likes this.
Space Hobo shared this.
2013-05-09T15:39:40+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via mustard To: Public
Doodling on the XO-4 Touch | !OLPC San Francisco - http://ur1.ca/drosgSameer Verma, Sameer Verma shared this.
2013-04-22T05:15:01+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via mustard To: One Laptop Per Child, Public
Christine Murakami at the !OLPC San Francisco Community Summit 2012 http://ur1.ca/dh072Sameer Verma, Sameer Verma shared this.
Sameer Verma shared by San Francisco, CA, US at 2013-04-07T18:01:23+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Uruguay’s One Laptop Per Child program: Impact and numbers. http://ur1.ca/dasgh !OLPCSan Francisco, CA, US, San Francisco, CA, US shared this.
Sameer Verma shared by San Francisco, CA, US at 2013-04-07T18:01:23+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Uruguay’s One Laptop Per Child program: Impact and numbers. http://ur1.ca/dasgh !OLPCSan Francisco, CA, US, San Francisco, CA, US shared this.
Sameer Verma shared by San Francisco, CA, US at 2013-04-07T18:00:12+00:00 via mustard To: Public
San Francisco, CA, US, San Francisco, CA, US shared this.
Sameer Verma shared by San Francisco, CA, US at 2013-04-07T18:00:12+00:00 via mustard To: Public
San Francisco, CA, US, San Francisco, CA, US shared this.
2013-03-28T21:13:27+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via web To: Public
Coffee table book from !OLPC SF Community Summit 2012. http://ur1.ca/d78pb2013-03-23T21:26:11+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via mustard To: Public
Sameer Verma and telecommunications on the XO at the !OLPC San Francisco Community Summit 2012. http://ur1.ca/d5hqn2013-03-07T04:06:40+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via mustard To: Public
Richard M'Batna introduces the formation of the !OLPC Chad project at OLPC SF Community Summit 2012. http://ur1.ca/czvg32013-02-26T15:26:29+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via mustard To: Public
Two thousand kids will get !OLPC laptops in Charlotte today. This is a major achievement. !FTW http://ur1.ca/cwtos2013-01-25T14:53:45+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via mustard To: Public
!OLPC San Francisco turns five! | OLPC San Francisco - http://ur1.ca/cm4x3Sameer Verma, Sameer Verma shared this.
2012-12-06T22:19:59+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via mustard To: Public
!Fedora Project at the !OLPC San Francisco Community Summit 2012. http://ur1.ca/bvw7w2012-11-30T22:28:47+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via mustard To: Public
Fly me to the Moon | !OLPC San Francisco - http://ur1.ca/bn857Aaron Borden, Aaron Borden shared this.