antonio amarildo 195amarildo@identi.ca
General Levalle, Argentina
buen tipo, odio los blokeos amo la libertad.
Rubén Rodríguez Pérez rubenquidam@identi.ca
Peibás, Spain
Computer engineer, Trisquel GNU/Linux fonder, GNU hacker, photographer, guitar player, ape descendant.
Martín Olivera martinolivera@identi.ca
La Plata, Argentina
Responsable de Tecnología en la Defensoría del Público + Hacktivista de Software Libre !solar
Daniel Gaspary dgaspary@identi.ca
Hiperterminal hiperterminal@identi.ca
Bogotá, Colombia
Profesional en Ciencia de la información - Bibliotecología
Made in fr madeinfr@identi.ca
Regroupement de contributions de bidouilleurs, électroniciens, adeptes de bidouillabilités, de passionnés du fait soi-même.
Blog Seja Livre blogsejalivre@identi.ca
São Paulo, Brazil
"O universo do software livre ao seu alcance."
KDE Brasil kdebrasil@identi.ca
Cinco Anzóis, Brazil
Grupo de usuários, desenvolvedores, admiradores e demais entusiastas brasileir@s - ou lusofalantes - do KDE
Sociedad Astronómica de Puebla Germán Martínez Hidalgo A.C. astropuebla@identi.ca
Puebla, Mexico
Sociedad Astronómica de Puebla Germán Martínez Hidalgo A.C.
Nelson Lombardo 1nv1@identi.ca
Filipe Saraiva filipesaraiva@identi.ca
Teresina, Brazil
Artificial intelligence researcher. Free software advocate. KDE hacker. Anarchist dreamer. - http://filipesaraiva.info/
Sherry Chandler bluegrasspoet@identi.ca
I love goldenrod, black-eyed susan, and the old worn-down mountains of the east.
David Reyes Samblas Martinez tuxbrain@identi.ca
Barbera Del Valles, Spain
Tuxbrain CEO (or whatelse name for a small company) and FOSS lover, and copyleft hardware advocate
Stav Prodromou stav@identi.ca
San Francisco Bay Area, California, United States
Open microblogging service enthusiast. I ♥ identi.ca and pump.io. Avid major league baseball fan, especially devoted to the Oakland Athletics. Go A's!
The Linux Foundation linuxfoundation@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
The Linux Foundation is a nonprofit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux.