Armando Calderón acald3ron@identi.ca
Rosarito, Mexico
Nacido y Residente de rosarito. Se dedica a la industrias de la informática y cinematografiá.
Gabriel Saldana gabrielsaldana@identi.ca
Guadalajara, Mexico
Web developer and free software enthusiast. Author of the Emacs identica-mode
Debian Project debian@identi.ca
Making the universal operating system, free as in freedom. ♥ The Debian identi.ca account is now fed by the Debian micronews site. Help animating this account: → http://deb.li/identica
Jesús E. Franco Martínez tzk@identi.ca
Chimalhuacán, Mexico
Cronopio diagnosticado :D Libertad del pensamiento. no sólo del software.
Fedora Project fedora@identi.ca
This is the official feed for the Fedora Project, a global free software community sponsored by Red Hat.
Maria Leandro tatadbb@identi.ca
Una chica geek que quiere conquistar el mundo con un kill -9 a todos los seres humanos :D
Octavio Alvarez alvarezp@identi.ca
Tijuana, Mexico
Networking (CCNP R&S), Wireless, Security, Internet, GNU/Linux, Gultij, lena.mx, Superkb