Debian Project debian@identi.ca
Making the universal operating system, free as in freedom. ♥ The Debian identi.ca account is now fed by the Debian micronews site. Help animating this account: → http://deb.li/identica
Debian 15 will be codenamed duke. Visit for the names of past and future Debian releases #debian #duke
2025-02-16T18:12:03Z via Spigot To: Public
Debian 15 will be codenamed duke. Visit https://wiki.debian.org/DebianReleases for the names of past and future Debian releases #debian #duke
The Debian Release Team is keeping pace: the first trixie freeze step (transition and toolchain freeze) is coming next month! #debian #trixie
2025-02-15T23:12:04Z via Spigot To: Public
The Debian Release Team is keeping pace: the first trixie freeze step (transition and toolchain freeze) is coming next month! https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2025/01/msg00004.html #debian #trixie
We have a #DebConf25 logo, thanks to Juliana Camargo and all other participants! #debian
2025-02-13T15:51:03Z via Spigot To: Public
We have a #DebConf25 logo, thanks to Juliana Camargo and all other participants! https://bits.debian.org/2025/02/debconf25-logo-contest-results.html #debian
Debian is among the distributions with most supported CPU architectures and excellent cross-compilation support. We are working on improving its cross-building capabilities and keeping it easily cross-bootstrappable from source for upcoming CPU architectures. Therefore, we'll meet in an upcoming team sprint in Würzburg, Germany. See .
2025-02-12T13:27:03Z via Spigot To: Public
Debian is among the distributions with most supported CPU architectures and excellent cross-compilation support. We are working on improving its cross-building capabilities and keeping it easily cross-bootstrappable from source for upcoming CPU architectures. Therefore, we'll meet in an upcoming team sprint in Würzburg, Germany. See https://wiki.debian.org/Sprints/2025/BootstrapCrossbuild .
Proxmox, provider of powerful, yet easy-to-use Open Source server software based on Debian is the newest Platinum Sponsor of #DebConf25 #debian
2025-02-07T10:27:03Z via Spigot To: Public
Proxmox, provider of powerful, yet easy-to-use Open Source server software based on Debian is the newest Platinum Sponsor of #DebConf25 https://bits.debian.org/2025/02/proxmox-platinum-debconf25.html #debian
Infomaniak, Switzerland's leading developer of Web technologies, Platinum Sponsor of #DebConf25
2025-02-04T23:09:03Z via Spigot To: Public
Infomaniak, Switzerland's leading developer of Web technologies, Platinum Sponsor of #DebConf25 https://bits.debian.org/2025/01/infomaniak-platinum-debconf25.html
Meet @Debian at @fosdem2025 next weekend! We will be at building K level 1. #debian #fosdem #fosdem2025
2025-01-30T23:33:02Z via Spigot To: Public
Meet @Debian at @fosdem2025 next weekend! We will be at building K level 1. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/be/2025/FOSDEM #debian #fosdem #fosdem2025
Vejeta likes this.
The Debian Publicity Team will no longer post on X/Twitter. We took this decision since we feel X doesn't reflect Debian shared values as stated in our social contract, code of conduct and diversity statement. X evolved into a place where people we care about don't feel safe. You are very much invited to follow us on , on , or any media as listed on
2025-01-29T11:57:04Z via Spigot To: Public
The Debian Publicity Team will no longer post on X/Twitter. We took this decision since we feel X doesn't reflect Debian shared values as stated in our social contract, code of conduct and diversity statement. X evolved into a place where people we care about don't feel safe. You are very much invited to follow us on https://bits.debian.org , on https://micronews.debian.org/ , or any media as listed on https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Publicity/otherSN
Vejeta likes this.
Vejeta shared this.
@debian@identi.ca as long as you're still posting on identi.ca that's the way you'll reach the true believers.Jim Fulner at 2025-01-31T03:41:36Z
Vejeta likes this.
Fixes for a critical rsync vulnerability (CVE-2024-12084) have been released for Stable/Bookworm, Testing and Unstable. Oldstable/Bullseye is not affected. Fixes for other lower severity CVEs have also been released in the same update and can all be tracked at The fixed Stable version is 3.2.7-1+deb12u1 and the fixed Testing/Unstable version is 3.3.0+ds1-3
2025-01-14T20:06:03Z via Spigot To: Public
Fixes for a critical rsync vulnerability (CVE-2024-12084) have been released for Stable/Bookworm, Testing and Unstable. Oldstable/Bullseye is not affected. Fixes for other lower severity CVEs have also been released in the same update and can all be tracked at https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/source-package/rsync. The fixed Stable version is 3.2.7-1+deb12u1 and the fixed Testing/Unstable version is 3.3.0+ds1-3
After our archive was updated to 12.9, our Debian CD team did the hard work of preparing and testing our installation medias to make sure everything is working correctly. Now their work is complete and the images are available at
2025-01-11T19:03:03Z via Spigot To: Public
After our archive was updated to 12.9, our Debian CD team did the hard work of preparing and testing our installation medias to make sure everything is working correctly. Now their work is complete and the images are available at https://www.debian.org/distrib/
Updated Debian 12: 12.9 released #debian #bookworm
2025-01-11T13:45:02Z via Spigot To: Public
Updated Debian 12: 12.9 released https://www.debian.org/News/2025/20250111 #debian #bookworm
Our map of Developer Locations now links to a nice interactive world map where Debian Developers offer PGP keysigning. We use such keysigning to prove identities of prospective Debian people. Debian Members can add themselves to the PGP signing offers wiki page and soon you will be listed at #debian #community
2025-01-09T09:33:03Z via Spigot To: Public
Our map of Developer Locations now links to a nice interactive world map where Debian Developers offer PGP keysigning. We use such keysigning to prove identities of prospective Debian people. Debian Members can add themselves to the PGP signing offers wiki page and soon you will be listed at https://www.debian.org/devel/developers.loc #debian #community
The Debian Installer team is pleased to announce the first alpha release of the installer for Debian 13 Trixie. #debian #trixie #debian13
2024-12-31T17:21:03Z via Spigot To: Public
The Debian Installer team is pleased to announce the first alpha release of the installer for Debian 13 Trixie. https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2024/12/msg00002.html #debian #trixie #debian13
l30bravo likes this.
Help choose the DebConf25 logo! With 23 entries to vote from, we've got your style: #debian #debconf #debconf25
2024-12-18T17:12:02Z via Spigot To: Public
Help choose the DebConf25 logo! With 23 entries to vote from, we've got your style: https://surveys.debian.net/ #debian #debconf #debconf25
Mussot valéry likes this.
The Debian LTS Team is actively working towards ensuring that security fixes made in LTS are also propogated to more recent Debian releases. See the latest batch of updates
2024-12-08T01:42:03Z via Spigot To: Public
The Debian LTS Team is actively working towards ensuring that security fixes made in LTS are also propogated to more recent Debian releases. See the latest batch of updates https://deb.li/lGLC
l30bravo likes this.
Happy 20th anniversary with love to Mozilla's Thunderbird and Firefox suites, 20 years of strength and security in the world of FLOSS! #mozilla #thunderbird #firefox #floss
2024-12-07T16:21:03Z via Spigot To: Public
Happy 20th anniversary with love to Mozilla's Thunderbird and Firefox suites, 20 years of strength and security in the world of FLOSS! #mozilla #thunderbird #firefox #floss
Vejeta likes this.
Vejeta shared this.
Would you like to see your amazing ideas on the DebConf 25 website, on T-shirts, etc., so that people all over the world can take them home? Only 12 days left to submit your artwork: deadline December 15! #debian #debconf25
2024-12-03T18:09:05Z via Spigot To: Public
Would you like to see your amazing ideas on the DebConf 25 website, on T-shirts, etc., so that people all over the world can take them home? Only 12 days left to submit your artwork: deadline December 15! https://lists.debian.org/debconf-announce/2024/11/msg00000.html #debian #debconf25
Congratulations to Patrick Noblet Appiah and Divine Attah-Ohiemi, the Debian Outreachy interns selected for the December 2024 round from a pool of great applicants. To those who didn't manage this time, thanks for your contributions and never give up! #debian #outreachy
2024-11-29T09:21:04Z via Spigot To: Public
Congratulations to Patrick Noblet Appiah and Divine Attah-Ohiemi, the Debian Outreachy interns selected for the December 2024 round from a pool of great applicants. To those who didn't manage this time, thanks for your contributions and never give up! https://www.outreachy.org/alums/2024-12/ #debian #outreachy
Calls for bids for DebConf26 have started, please see:
2024-11-27T19:45:03Z via Spigot To: Public
Calls for bids for DebConf26 have started, please see: https://lists.debian.org/debconf-announce/2024/11/msg00001.html
Videos from the MiniDebConf Toulouse are now available! View any session via their title in the program here: #debian #debconf #miniDebConfToulouse
2024-11-21T06:33:02Z via Spigot To: Public
Videos from the MiniDebConf Toulouse are now available! View any session via their title in the program here: https://toulouse2024.mini.debconf.org/schedule/ #debian #debconf #miniDebConfToulouse
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