2013-07-16T10:21:59Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-01-28T10:00:21+00:00 in B&B Tokyo, Latium, Italy To: Public
ordered two !RaspberryPi http://tinyurl.com/7fznogq no confirmation email but the payment is made #noreply on information request by emailPopa Adrian Marius shared by Alice Ferrazzi at 2013-01-09T05:33:39+00:00 To: Public
!Debian is the kind of distribution you put on a computer that you want to sit in a room and run for years without a problem.Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Andrew Alderwick, Alireza, Wilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
blindsite, blindsite, fabianne balvedi, fabianne balvedi and 20 others shared this.
@mariuz It is, indeed.Popa Adrian Marius shared by Alice Ferrazzi at 2013-01-09T05:33:39+00:00 via web To: Public
!Debian is the kind of distribution you put on a computer that you want to sit in a room and run for years without a problem.Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Andrew Alderwick, Alireza, Wilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
blindsite, blindsite, fabianne balvedi, fabianne balvedi and 20 others shared this.
@mariuz It is, indeed.2012-08-14T10:47:59+00:00 in B&B Tokyo, Latium, Italy To: Public
hacking at Tokyo Hacker Space...2012-04-29T17:59:38+00:00 in B&B Tokyo, Latium, Italy To: Public
studing...2012-04-29T17:55:14+00:00 in B&B Tokyo, Latium, Italy To: Public
updating my ikiwiki blog! testing the feed sidebar :)2009-09-11T11:08:59+00:00 To: Public
Ciao2009-09-11T11:08:15+00:00 To: Public