Stephen Michael Kellat

Kellat Conjectures

Stephen Michael Kellat at

1. A main reason people cannot reach the IRS on the telephone is that their issues have grown so complex that a group of telephone representatives equal in headcount to an army division (8,000-9,000 operators) does not have enough time in the day to handle every caller's issues.

2. Sometimes you don't really want to know the answer I have to your question when you try to rush past normal timeframes to personally expedite your service.

3. The absence of information is not necessarily evidence of a conspiracy. It can truly mean there is an absence of information and that you're merely paranoid.

4. There are dense treatises on on obscure niche topics in computer science that are probably more comprehensible to the layman than most IRS publications.

5. When you complain about there being too much due process in life, you truly haven't thought about the consequences of there not being enough. You especially haven't considered the horror of an IRS unconstrained by due process when you think you have too much due process in your life. ❌ likes this. ❌, ❌, ❌, ❌ shared this.