Stephen Michael Kellat


Stephen Michael Kellat at

Today was "Training Day" at work. We had a Force Protection briefing. We've got almost 100,000 employees at $AGENCY which makes our staffing equal to 45% of the United States Marine Corps active and reserve uniformed staff. Saying we're a large and scary agency is an understatement.

One of the issues that came up is the physical security threat to our personnel posed by "Sovereign Citizen" types of persons. This is a publicly known issue that has been going on for a while. Unfortunately the folks at Black Lives Matter have been trumpeting as one of their martyrs such a person in the case of Korryn Gaines. This does not bode well. Considering that "Sovereign Citizen" crap has its roots in white supremacism there is a bit of tragedy at play there. Last year we didn't even need to think about these things when we had the security briefing. Between the recent rise of the alt-right thanks to Trump and these other messes...even the Force Protection folks freely admitted we were targets in our jobs at $AGENCY.

We're not at furlough yet. Some days it truly sucks rancid tepid canal water to be The Man.