Stephen Michael Kellat

Here's a couple horribles to read...

Stephen Michael Kellat at

French, D. (2016, October 21). The Price I’ve Paid for Opposing Donald Trump. Retrieved October 23, 2016, from

White, K. (2016, September 22). FIRE Attacks Northern Michigan University’s Shocking, Wanton Rule Against Students Sharing Suicidal Thoughts. Retrieved from

AJ Jordan, bthall likes this.

Stephen Michael Kellat shared this.

How do you get these articles so properly cited? XD Mendeley?

bthall at 2016-10-23T17:18:07Z

>> bthall:

“How do you get these articles so properly cited? XD Mendeley?”

Zotero FTW.

Stephen Michael Kellat at 2016-10-24T02:04:42Z

bthall likes this.