Stephen Michael Kellat

Now That We're Past Christmas...

Stephen Michael Kellat at

My second-hand x240 Lenovo Thinkpad is dying. It is not economical to repair it. I need something for mobility and using a wireless mouse and wireless keyboard with my iPad isn't exactly a complete replacement. Yes, I do have a LaTeX IDE on my iPad but it isn't the same as having something a bit more fully featured.

Since I've been doing more arts & humanities types of things lately I don't really need something geared towards gaming. If I can figure out what's going on with OBS Studio and the M1 MacBook series I may well be going with Apple Silicon with a return to MacOS. It would be a shift from Linux to a BSD but that's not too bad. I ran homebrew on MacOS before jumping into Ubuntu way back when.

There is simply not a lot of free cashflow at the moment. If I found a suitable case solution to convert a Raspberry Pi 4 into a laptop/portable I would be going with that at the moment. Unfortunately I haven't seen any good options.