Okay, So Now What?
Well, I am stuck. Things are not proceeding as well as I might have otherwise have hoped. I spoke at a public event and the local daily newspaper acted as if I was an invisible ghost during the event. If there were any clearer sign that perhaps the race for city council is already lost on my part it would be that one of the writers at the daily newspaper basically acts like I do not exist. Since she covers that city council I am toast.
Of course, with the events in Tennessee that just happened I continue to be horrified at where my country is going. NPR had a scary interview about just how bad thing got here thanks to Facebook. I am still puzzled at the lady who decided the high speed crash was a great idea.
At times I am ready to drop out of the campaign. This area has many needs. Getting one more politician isn't one of them.
The knowledge ecology here is very, very bad. I've been looking at how to bootstrap a new local news operation with no money and keep winding up with few positive ways forward. The community may be beyond hope and lost to QAnon as well as its fellow travelers thanks to FB being the main means of conveying news lately.
There are ways around my conundrum, I think. If I wind up just producing a single leaf news sheet on legal size paper (otherwise known as a "penny press") it would be a start. Content from DVIDS about the Ohio National Guard, the Near Shore Marine Forecast, the Zone Forecast, and maybe a weather map would all be public domain and fill things out easily. I have been fussing over this stuff in this repo: https://code.launchpad.net/~skellat/+git/auto-newspaper
It is late and I really need to sleep. The gas company is coming for a meter inspection...
Michele Montagna likes this.

» Stephen Michael Kellat:
“[...] he community may be beyond hope and lost to QAnon as well as its fellow travelers thanks to FB being the main means of conveying news lately. [...]”
Damn, modern society is depressing...
JanKusanagi at 2021-07-14T13:30:29Z
Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.

» JanKusanagi:
“» Stephen Michael Kellat:
“[...] he community may be beyond hope and lost to QAnon as well as its fellow travelers thanks to FB being the main means of conveying news lately. [...]”
Damn, modern society is depressing...”
I'm working in the referenced repo. I had some ideas today at least on making the paper closer to happening by school starting back up.