Stephen Michael Kellat

This Amuses Me!

Stephen Michael Kellat at

Ayer, A. (2016, September 28). How to Crash Systemd in One Tweet. Retrieved October 3, 2016, from

From what we're covering in Continuity of Operations class, this makes systemd look dangerous in way too easy ways.

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I keep hoping that somebody will do to systemd what git did to Monotone and/or BitKeeper: take the good parts and package them up into a small, self-contained thing that other things can be built on.

There's a lot of things in systemd that make it much nicer to build on than sysvinit (most recent example: systemd-cat pipes a process' stdout to the system log, but unlike /bin/logger, it takes the command-to-run as command-line arguments, so I don't need the security hole of invoking a shell or manually set up a pipeline), but then there's weird glitchy corner cases, like the article you link to, or "if somebody bounces the dbus daemon, you have to hard-reboot the machine to get things working again".

Screwtape at 2016-10-09T04:53:42Z