Stephen Michael Kellat

What could go wrong?

Stephen Michael Kellat at

I used the novel class in LaTeX to typeset a novella. The fonts used were Domitian and Public Sans. After family looked over the galley I uploaded to CreateSpace. It took a little bit of manual work but I got the LaTeX manuscript converted over into something the KDP platform would accept to make available for purchase for Kindle users.

Both are stuck in Manual Review for up to 72 hours before they might go on sale. Since there is no exclusivity I may go ahead and put a rendering up on leanpub if/when the mass market offerings on Amazon are cleared to go. There should be no worry about DRM on the Kindle side as Baen Books forced Amazon to create a "No DRM" setting for books offered on Kindle when their materials were first made available there as ebooks. I set "No DRM" on my ebook version of the novella.

What is the novella? It is an alternate history story that wanders into science fiction slightly. @Stephen Sekula might appreciate me trying to keep it within the grasp of the current tech base although a small amount of hand-wavium was injected. I ended up borrowing the Baen "designated victim" for the story and had fun with that.

I have some waiting to do...again...

Did you get this up and available for reading and/or purchase?

Stephen Sekula at 2020-05-31T13:27:49Z

» Stephen Sekula:

“Did you get this up and available for reading and/or purchase?”

@Stephen Sekula Yes, I did:

I tried to keep it as close to the limits of current tech as I could before hitting fantasy. It counts as an "alternate history" of how history could have played out.

Stephen Michael Kellat at 2020-06-03T03:45:56Z

» Stephen Sekula:

“Did you get this up and available for reading and/or purchase?”

@Stephen Sekula Yes, I did:

I tried to keep it as close to the limits of current tech as I could before hitting fantasy. It counts as an "alternate history" of how history could have played out.

Stephen Michael Kellat at 2020-06-03T03:45:56Z

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