Stephen Michael Kellat

New Citations

Stephen Michael Kellat at

For reading when I have copious free time again...or have the funding for my position nuked by the Congress:

Diniz, Rafael. “Towards a Ginga-Enabled Digital Radio Mondiale Broadcasting Chain: Signaling and Definitions.” ArXiv:1811.04193 [Cs], November 9, 2018.

Gillespie, Nick. “The National Debt Is Coming Due, Just Like We Told You.”, November 12, 2018.

Kahn, Jeffrey H. “GoTaxMe: Crowdfunding and Gifts.” SSRN Scholarly Paper. Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network, October 24, 2018.

McElroy, Sean P. “The Mandatory Repatriation Tax Is Unconstitutional.” SSRN Scholarly Paper. Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network, 2018.

Smith, Jared M., Kyle Birkeland, and Max Schuchard. “An Internet-Scale Feasibility Study of BGP Poisoning as a Security Primitive.” ArXiv:1811.03716 [Cs], November 8, 2018.

Song, Changhe, Cunchao Tu, Cheng Yang, Zhiyuan Liu, and Maosong Sun. “CED: Credible Early Detection of Social Media Rumors.” ArXiv:1811.04175 [Cs], November 9, 2018.