2013-07-09T12:55:56+00:00 in Finland via web To: Public
The Tor Project, Inc. shared by AmbyR00 at 2013-06-11T06:59:56+00:00 via web To: Public
Our thoughts on NSA PRISM and Tor, http://ur1.ca/e9eur #torRiveraValdez, Demuxer blogspot.com, Rudolf Lörcks, Wolf Stettler likes this.
RiveraValdez, Demuxer blogspot.com, AmbyR00, EVAnaRkISTO and 7 others shared this.
Friendica shared by AmbyR00 at 2013-06-11T06:58:00+00:00 via web To: Public
Opt out of PRISM, the NSA’s global data surveillance program. http://prism-break.org/ #prismAmbyR00 shared this.
2013-06-05T08:30:22+00:00 in Finland via mustard To: Public
My beautiful, beautiful mom stopped breathing and died today, 35 minutes ago. #cancer2013-06-04T20:01:08+00:00 in Finland via mustard To: Public
Visiting my mother in the hospital - this is probably the last time. #cancer2013-05-22T05:14:56+00:00 in Finland To: Public
An old lady just cheered up my morning by shoving some flowers in my face telling me to "smell the flowers!"2013-05-21T09:58:12+00:00 in Finland To: Public
2013-05-11T07:47:53+00:00 in Finland To: Public
2013-05-10T05:41:57+00:00 in Finland To: Public
Why is it always that when I finally find a few perfect photo opportunities, I will find I left the sdcard in the computer? #photography2013-05-08T12:53:33+00:00 in Finland To: Public
Just heard a mother teach her kid it's illegal to take your shirt off in public places. What? #decency #law #commonsense #freedomGlyn Moody shared by AmbyR00 at 2013-05-08T12:40:58+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Over 90% Of The Most Innovative Products From The Past Few Decades Were NOT Patented - http://bit.ly/17JQAeR important study #patentsAmbyR00, AmbyR00, Alvaro Soliverez, Alvaro Soliverez shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by AmbyR00 at 2013-05-08T12:37:40+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Royalty Collection Agency SABAM Sues Belgian ISPs In Pursuit Of Its Fantasy 'Piracy License' - http://bit.ly/11QbpBC </facepalm> #be2013-05-02T09:28:27+00:00 in Finland To: Public
Quote from Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality - "Hermione Granger, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Draco Malfoy."2013-04-22T13:32:55+00:00 in Finland To: Public
Quote from Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality - "Hessitation iss alwayss eassy, rarely usseful."2013-03-22T12:34:23+00:00 in Finland To: Public
Only one piece left and they are finished! #zaizu #tatamichair #furniture http://identi.ca/attachment/755222182013-03-12T18:21:39+00:00 in Finland To: Public
Quote from Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality - The old wizard passed a hand across his forehead and muttered, "This is madness."2013-02-19T14:33:19+00:00 in Finland To: a(n) person, Public
RT @techdirt Bestselling Author Of Children's Books Accuses Public Libraries Of Stealing His Paychecks http://t.co/4CI2eAxe