Richard Stallman Political Notes at 2013-05-20T09:16:54+00:00
Demolition of Palestinian homes http://ur1.ca/dy02pAnas Alsaidy likes this.
Anas Alsaidy at 2013-05-20T09:13:01+00:00
Guns don't kill people. People kill peopleAnas Alsaidy likes this.
The Tor Project, Inc. at 2013-05-15T01:28:51+00:00
Tor Browser Bundles updated to Firefox 17.0.6esr, http://ur1.ca/duu40 #torAnas Alsaidy likes this.
inkorrupt, inkorrupt, Vincent OpenSourcier, Vincent OpenSourcier and 2 others shared this.
Debian Project at 2013-05-05T02:20:08+00:00
!Debian #wheezy - ending our live release coverage, thanks for watching. back to your regularly scheduled programming - #releasingwheezyHilton Garcia Fernandes, Anas Alsaidy, Olivier Berger, Debian Users Gang and 1 others likes this.
Ubuntu User, Ubuntu User, صهيب, صهيب and 2 others shared this.