Andrej Cremoznik andrejcremoznik@identi.ca
Chakra Linux thechakraproject@identi.ca
A community developed GNU/Linux distribution with an emphasis on KDE and Qt technologies, utilizing a unique semi-rolling repository model.
Jure Repinc (JLP) jrepin@identi.ca
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Pirate, GNU/Linux / free software / open source fan, contributor to Thousand Parsec (a free 4X space strategy game) and KDE (the best desktop)
Nuno Marco Fernandes Pinheiro pinheirokde@identi.ca
Vilarinho de Canelas, Portugal
Icon designer, Ui designer, Oxygen coordinator, KDE e.v. member ,freedom fighter, husband, Dreamer.
Piratska stranka Slovenije piratskastranka@identi.ca
Žalec, Slovenia
Pirati se borimo proti vplivom, ki v imenu večanja dobička omejujejo človekove pravice in svobodo ter večajo nadzor nad ljudstvom.
Aaron Seigo aseigo@identi.ca
KDE developer (Plasma!!), past President and board member for KDE e.V. , Free software enthusiast, world traveling Canadian, father.