Andrej Cremoznik andrejcremoznik@identi.ca
2019-10-13T10:30:51Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2012-07-07T07:21:45+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
@gallaecio: I’m hopeful to see #Mer + !KDE #PlasmaActive on phones eventually (#N9, please)… http://is.gd/lXw2rG http://ur1.ca/5ci1vJérémie Zimmermann shared by Andrej Cremoznik at 2012-04-24T21:12:40+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
RT @StopActaNow: THE EUROPEAN DATA PROTECTION SUPERVISOR see a LOT of problems with #ACTA t.co/0g6FoZtx But #europarl and #eucom don't care.2012-04-10T07:12:59+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
That seems like Chakra does not ship 4.8.2, but 4.8.2 as it was one day before the release. There was a last minute bug fix for this issue@andrejcremoznik. I can replicate here, wonder what's causing it..That's true with my ATI notebook as well. And I'm pretty sure the issue surfaced while my system was still on 4.8.1. !ChakraPiratska stranka Slovenije shared by Andrej Cremoznik at 2012-04-09T08:12:49+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Nizozemska Piratska stranka se je uprla nesmiselni in nepotrebni zahtevi zabavne industrije: http://ur1.ca/8ynyuMatija Šuklje shared by Andrej Cremoznik at 2012-04-02T19:22:04+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
In #Slovenia we're celebrating !DFD2012 a bit late this year — we start tomorrow at 18h in #Kiberpipa: http://is.gd/8GUdsSPiratska stranka Slovenije shared by Andrej Cremoznik at 2012-04-01T14:20:05+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
In kako ti je všeč novi iPad, oče? :) http://ur1.ca/8vkuy2012-03-31T17:53:28+00:00 To: Piratska stranka Slovenije, Public
Basic human rights should also apply to the web: http://is.gd/iiRul9 @piratskastrankaslovenijePiratska stranka Slovenije shared by Andrej Cremoznik at 2012-03-30T06:54:56+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
V fluidni demokraciji ne šteje imidž, ampak argumenti http://ur1.ca/8hv0iAndrej Cremoznik, Andrej Cremoznik shared this.
2012-03-27T06:19:20+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
Matija Šuklje shared by Andrej Cremoznik at 2012-03-25T08:54:49+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Kids today don't want everything for free, they just want everything: http://is.gd/ASX9ATArne Babenhauserheide shared by Andrej Cremoznik at 2012-03-12T22:33:14+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Marcus Harrison, Andrej Dundović, Klaus, Захария Стургин likes this.
hirnbloggade, hirnbloggade, Francesco Chicchiriccò, Francesco Chicchiriccò and 6 others shared this.
2012-03-10T19:37:11+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
@andrejcremoznik It's a pretty slick video player as well. Will only get better with time.@andrejcremoznik And it will be run on the spark tablet.2012-02-29T17:40:12+00:00 To: Alexander Jones, Public
@happy5214 I have mousewheel over titlebar event set to change opacity. System settings > Window Behavior > Titlebar Actions@andrejcremoznik Thanks for the tip!Jaime Alberto Silva shared by Andrej Cremoznik at 2012-02-29T17:35:08+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Using !KDE's #Kdevelop for PHP !webdev for a few days and liking it, I think I've found a replacement for #Netbeans !Andrej Cremoznik, Andrej Cremoznik shared this.
@jaimealsilva I've been using it on my day job for a two years now. It's come a long way! It's still lacking a bit with the xdebug debugger.Matija Šuklje shared by Andrej Cremoznik at 2012-02-28T17:17:05+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Woohoo! Finally! \o/ ♻ @grote: #SlideShare ditches #Flash, rebuilds entire site in #HTML5 http://bit.ly/xW9rdR #fsfeMatija Šuklje shared by Andrej Cremoznik at 2012-01-30T07:19:13+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Another anti-ACTA petition worth signing: https://www.accessnow.org/page/share/just-say-no-to-acta #stopACTA #stopACTAnowAndrej Cremoznik, Andrej Cremoznik shared this.