Showing correct recipient in "in reply to"
@jankusanagi@datamost.com I looked carefully at that screenshot and didn't notice an error. Where do you think the wrong "in reply to" is?
Please note that a number in parenthesis to the right of "in reply to..." shows note's number in the conversation, to which this note is a reply.

I didn't mean anything visible in the image, I meant the "inReplyTo" field in the JSON data must be wrong, because you're producing activities such as "updated an image in reply to a comment", where "an image" is a link to the image post (as it should be), but "a comment" is not a link to anything (BUT it should be).
Just go to https://identi.ca/andstatus right now and look at your Meanwhile feed; you'll see several of those. This probably comes from the fact that you're replying to things with "image" objects, NOT with "comment" objects, and that's not supported, so bad things happen.