AndStatus@Identi.ca andstatus@identi.ca
Moscow, Russia
Open Source community based project, creating AndStatus social networking client for Android, which supports Pump.io, GNU Social, Mastodon, Twitter... Homepage: http://andstatus.org GitHub home: https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus
2023-07-29T06:45:37Z via AndStatus To: Public, Followers
I visited the "Getting Started with the Twitter API" page https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/getting-started/about-twitter-api and as I understand it there is NO free access to reading tweets anymore.
This explains why there are no new tweets visible in #AndStatus anymore, see the discussion https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/579RiveraValdez likes this.
In the end, even though temporary useful and desirable, building around proprietary products is a time trap, as seen not only with twitter, but previously with facebook, and also reddit, etc. The Fediverse is a first step in a better direction, and maybe something like ZeroNet or IPFS afterwards...2022-05-11T03:06:35Z via AndStatus To: Public
See my first educational YouTube video about User Experience in the #2048OpenFunGame https://youtu.be/S5J8WyoX-Uk
It appears that making video about an app is not less fun than programming the app :-)
And see you as happy players having fun!RiveraValdez likes this.
2022-02-22T18:32:39Z via AndStatus To: Public
New challenge for the 2048 Open Fun Game - huge game history
Some days ago one of my users sent me game history having 120713 moves. In order to allow sharing and loading such a huge history we need to switch completely from using one long string to to saving and loading a game by chunks e.g. line by line from a file. https://github.com/andstatus/game2048/issues/8RiveraValdez, Tupulpo likes this.
Tupulpo shared this.
2048 Open Fun Game" got an update. v.1.11.0
2021-12-23T11:26:14Z via AndStatus To: Public
Our "2048 Open Fun Game" got an update. v.1.11.0:
1. Retries counter added. When you make a move after Undo (no matter if it is the same move as before or another move), number of Retries increases. The counter shows total number of retries done during the game and allows comparing different results more fairly.
2, Landscape screen layout added.
3. Optimized to allow games with more than 50 thousand moves.
#game2048RiveraValdez, кαяισzмαяку likes this.
кαяισzмαяку shared this.
2021-06-24T19:41:28Z via AndStatus To: Public
#AndStatus v.59.01 ""Show Send button near the composed note" is released (and is already available here: https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/456 )
What's new:
1. New Settings option "Show Send button near the composed note" in "Gestures" section replaces the old and not working "ENTER key sends a note" option. https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/533
2. Support Magnet URI as a "downloadable ID" of an object. Intended for ActivityPub but will work for any Social network. https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/535
Full list of changes is here: http://andstatus.org/changelog.htmlRiveraValdez, Tupulpo likes this.
2021-04-06T06:40:46Z via AndStatus To: Public
#AndStatus v.58.01 ""Background syncing and migration to Kotlin" is released (and is already available here: https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/456 )
What's new:
1. Fixed background syncing on Android 9+.
2. Fixed downloads (avatars/attachments) with redirects, in which location is relative or absolute path without host and protocol.
3. AndStatus fully migrated from Java to Kotlin https://kotlinlang.org/ .
Full list of changes is here: http://andstatus.org/changelog.htmlRiveraValdez, Distopico, Michele Montagna likes this.
Michele Montagna shared this.
2021-01-19T09:45:46Z via AndStatus To: Public
#AndStatus v.57.07 released with a fix for Twitter that recently broke new Twitter account addition in our app telling that a User has an old browser
https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/526RiveraValdez likes this.
#AndStatus v.57.00 Beta published. "Animated images and Video preview. User's preferred screen orientation"
2020-06-20T08:55:48Z via AndStatus To: Public
Download #AndStatus from: https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/456
1. For Android 9+ only: Animations of animated images are shown by default. Both in attachments and in avatars. GIF and WebP are supported. Settings -> Appearance -> "Show image animations" option allows to turn this behavior off. It appears that currently only ActivityPub and Pump.io networks (i.e. server parts of them) support WebP and keep GIFs as is. Other servers simply reject WebP and convert GIFs to video... https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/330
2. Animated images and video on Twitter are shown as preview image with a "Play" button on it. This is the same behavior as for other social networks.
3. "Play" button on a video preview image is moved to the bottom corner to allow better view of the image.
4. Screen orientation is not "unspecified", as before, but is set to "The user's current preferred orientation", set by a User for the whole Android device. In particular, this allows to use landscape mode on smartphones (and not on tablets only, as before).AndStatus project at Datamost shared this.
Note - #AndStatus v.56.09 (326) released. "Show numbers of likes, replies and reblogs…
2020-05-24T08:14:01Z via AndStatus To: Public
#AndStatus v.56.09 (326) released. "Show numbers of likes, replies and reblogs for a Note
1. Show numbers of likes, replies and reblogs for Mastodon; likes and retweets for Twitter. Added similar to #ActivityPub #C2S, hope the same counters will be supported there also.
2. Added Actors's name ("Real name") as a separate field to Actor's profile. Created landscape layout for Actor's profile.
https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/456nukem likes this.
AndStatus project at Datamost, AndStatus project at Datamost, Yuri Volkov shared this.
#AndStatus v.56.01 released. "Avatars and attachments syncing performance improved"
2020-05-11T17:07:44Z via AndStatus To: Public, a(n) person
#AndStatus v.56.01 released. "Avatars and attachments syncing performance improved".
Download from: https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/456
Since its creation years ago AndStatus used only one background process (thread) to post and to download information from the Internet. Images downloads were considered low priority tasks, so avatars and attachments appeared noticeably later than text of a timeline, especially when multiple timelines and accounts were synced one after one.
With this release a separate process is responsible for images downloading, so overall syncing performance improvement should be visible.
URL: https://loadaverage.org/notice/19147071Michele Montagna likes this.
soloojos shared this.
AndStatus v.55.01 Beta with "ActivityPub Client to Server improvements"
2020-04-26T11:13:56Z via AndStatus To: Public, a(n) person
AndStatus v.55.01 Beta with "ActivityPub Client to Server improvements".
Download from: https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/456
1. This release was focused on supporting new and improved #ActivityPub features that appeared both in #Pleroma and, surprisingly, in #Mastodon also. You can really start experimenting with ActivityPub social network type if you have an account at Pleroma site with latest v.2.x Pleroma builds... Posting with image attachments works.
2. Mastodon (not AndStatus!) doesn't give you enough features to switch client connection to ActivityPub simply because Home timeline and posting via ActivityPub connection is not supported yet (corresponding pages give 404 Not found error).
But you can see our own posts on Mastodon servers and navigate to other Actors and their post via them (you can see profiles of other Actors and see their posts...). You can even play with Mastodon as an "ActivityPub" type Social network in AndStatus today! But prepare to see empty Home timeline and to be read-only there for now. Switch to "Sent" timeline and see your Actor's posts, see other actors and their posts similarly...
These new Mastodon improvements make me very optimistic about the future of ActivityPub in client apps across all server platforms.
3. Some important fixes, including more Avatars and Images will be shown.
4. More convenience for developers. Logging of network level messages (including response headers) improved. Even file names with responses are much clearer now, e.g. 2020-04-25-03-34-51-663_social.tulsa.ok.us-oauth_register_client_response.json or 2020-04-25-03-35-02-235_mastodon.technology-get_actor_response.json (real names from my log). Remember that logs are stored for 10 days and can be optionally included in a Backup!
Server developers, please use AndStatus as your testing client! https://loadaverage.org/attachment/5911794
URL: https://loadaverage.org/notice/19107669Tom Tishken, Distopico, Michele Montagna likes this.
Michele Montagna shared this.
Note - I made the simplest implementation of #ActivityPub C2S protocol in…
2019-02-17T15:36:05Z via AndStatus To: Public, a(n) unknown object type: andstatustemp:andstatus@loadaverage.org
I made the simplest implementation of #ActivityPub C2S protocol in #AndStatus, allowing me to log into pleroma.site, read home timeline and get other user's info (i.e. read the Actor's profile based on his "id").
But I've got an error response from pleroma.site server on an attempt to send a Note, so I created another bug report in pleroma issues tracker: https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/issues/650
Alpha build of AndStatus is attached to this comment: https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/499#issue-389014088 , source code is available in the repository. https://loadaverage.org/attachment/5020018
URL: https://loadaverage.org/notice/15600821McClane, AJ Jordan, Ben Sturmfels likes this.
кαяισzмαяку, McClane, McClane shared this.
2018-08-16T17:37:51Z via AndStatus To: Public
#AndStatus needs good and useful reviews. Could you help?
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.andstatus.app#AndStatus v.41.01 "Search by a part of a word. Avatars fixed" released
2018-07-23T16:00:55Z via AndStatus To: Public
#AndStatus v.41.01 "Search by a part of a word. Avatars fixed" is released, see https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/456
What's new:
1. Search works for a note's name (title) and a content. You have to launch "AndStatus Settings -> Storage -> Check and fix data" once to rebuild search index in existing local cache.
2. Added Search and filtering by a part of a word. Now you can type e.g. contains:other to match "other" and "mother" or you can search for contains://andstatus.org/ to filter posts, which contain links in "andstatus.org" domain.
3. Added (the 6th) option to show a User in timeline as "Real name @webFingerId"
4. Fixed avatars not showing problem (downloading / reloading and purging). https://loadaverage.org/attachment/4449989
URL: https://loadaverage.org/notice/13423851#AndStatus v.39.00 "User's profile at the top of their timeline" is released
2018-05-30T19:42:03Z via AndStatus To: Public
#AndStatus v.39.00 "User's profile at the top of their timeline" is released, see https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/456
What's new:
1. User's profile is shown at the top of their timelines: "Sent" (Notes by "someuser@somedomain"). For "my accounts" only: in "Favorites", "Friends" and "Followers" timelines also. Lists of user's friends and followers are available via the profile's context menu.
2. Switching between accounts made more like in other Android applications, with avatars of current and two previously selected accounts in the Navigation drawer (like e.g. in GMail app). Clicking on current account's avatar opens their "Sent" timeline with the account's profile information at the top. https://loadaverage.org/attachment/4312038
URL: https://loadaverage.org/notice/12920015#AndStatus v.38.02 "Video attachments and Titles for notes" is published
2018-04-23T18:54:40Z via AndStatus To: Public
#AndStatus v.38.02 "Video attachments and Titles for notes" is published at an Open Beta testing channel and just waits for your confirmation that it is ready for release https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/456
What's new:
1. Video file can be attached to a new note. A thumbnail of the video attachment is shown in a timeline. Video attachment may be viewed the same way as an image attachment.
2. Added titles (names) for notes of Pump.io and Mastodon (where they are called "CW").
3. Added "Public" checkbox to the Note Editor to mark a note explicitly as public or not public. Currently this option is available for Pump.io only.
4. Click on an attached image or video opens corresponding viewer/player application.
5. Added an option for "Collapse duplicates" that allows it to find not only adjacent duplicates ("distance" = 1), but also duplicates, separated by other notes: Timeline -> "Maximum distance between duplicates" which defaults to "5" now. Setting it to 0 disables the "Collapse duplicates" feature.
6. Fixed: All users, mentioned as @username in a text of an incoming note, are identified and used in Notifications. Multiple note recipients are supported for Pump.io.
URL: https://loadaverage.org/notice/12480477nukem likes this.
Showing correct recipient in "in reply to"
2018-04-20T05:34:10Z via AndStatus To: Public, AJ Jordan, Yuri Volkov, Some tester 131, Evan Prodromou, JanKusanagi
@jankusanagi@datamost.com I looked carefully at that screenshot and didn't notice an error. Where do you think the wrong "in reply to" is?
Please note that a number in parenthesis to the right of "in reply to..." shows note's number in the conversation, to which this note is a reply.I didn't mean anything visible in the image, I meant the "inReplyTo" field in the JSON data must be wrong, because you're producing activities such as "updated an image in reply to a comment", where "an image" is a link to the image post (as it should be), but "a comment" is not a link to anything (BUT it should be).
Just go to https://identi.ca/andstatus right now and look at your Meanwhile feed; you'll see several of those. This probably comes from the fact that you're replying to things with "image" objects, NOT with "comment" objects, and that's not supported, so bad things happen.
2018-04-19T15:36:25Z via AndStatus To: Public, AJ Jordan, Yuri Volkov, Some tester 131, Evan Prodromou
@evan@identi.ca I got that a reply to non-private note becomes in Pump.io non-private automatically, even if there is only one concrete recipient.
But I succeeded to post privately via #AndStatus just sending a note (not a reply) and mentioning a recipient in text.Evan Prodromou likes this.
Just so you know, your image in reply to a comment doesn't properly identify the object to which it's replying ("inReplyTo").
It's hard to reply to your comments that reply to "nothing"...
“I looked carefully at that screenshot and didn't notice an error. Where do you think the wrong "in reply to" is? Please note that a number in parenthesis to the right of "in reply to..." shows note's number in the conversation, to which this note is a reply. ”
I didn't mean anything visible in the image, I meant the "inReplyTo" field in the JSON data must be wrong, because you're producing activities such as "updated an image in reply to a comment", where "an image" is a link to the image post (as it should be), but "a comment" is not a link to anything (BUT it should be).
Just go to https://identi.ca/andstatus right now and look at your Meanwhile feed; you'll see several of those. This probably comes from the fact that you're replying to things with "image" objects, NOT with "comment" objects, and that's not supported, so bad things happen.