File takedown notice.
2018-11-12T18:45:25Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
With the end of the serialization of The Plainsrunner on OliverOnline, it will soon be time to take down the chapter files from the Green Comet website. At that time it will no longer be possible to download them, so if you are missing any now is the time to get them.
I have decided to leave them in place until the end of November to ensure that everyone gets a fair chance to get them all, but as of December 1st they will be gone forever. Thanks again for taking part, and if you know anyone who needs to complete their collection of chapters please let them know of this deadline.
It’s been a fun experiment.
rjbThe Plainsrunner - Chapter 54
2018-11-08T21:01:05Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Dear readers:
Request for Reviews
This is the last week of this serialization. I've enjoyed this experiment and was encouraged to see people coming back week after week to pick up their installments. It was a lot of extra work, but it has had its rewards as well. The Plainsrunner will soon be published and available online, so now is the time to ask my readers to consider posting a review when it appears. It can be a one liner or two pages of details, whatever suits you. There will be review copies of the complete novel available for participants, so you can write your review now or wait until you've read the finished novel. If you want a review copy please drop a comment here or at greencomet.org, or email me at arjaybe@greencomet.org.
Thank you for participating,
This week in the story: The Sunwardians go home in their repaired vessel, and the Grasswindians enjoy a cup of ersatz coffee with Archie. Tallgrass and his crewmates prepare to return to Grasswind. They hope they will meet again and all work together, but for now they just want to get home.
rjbMcClane likes this.
The Plainsrunner - Chapters 52 & 53
2018-11-01T21:57:27Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
This is the second last week of this serialization. Once it's done and The Plainsrunner is published, I will be asking my readers to consider writing a review for posting online. One line or two pages, whatever suits you. There will be review copies of the complete novel available for participants.
This week the Sunwardians keep their weapons, but they don't know what to make of Archie. The aliens reveal the truth about the Prime, but the Sunwardians have trouble accepting it. They want to punish the ones who created the big ship.
rjbThe Plainsrunner - Chapter 51
2018-10-26T16:26:38Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
They call Mission Control and bring them up to date. Hooves of the Prophet is brought aboard the Prime and the Sunwardians get out to investigate. Supervisor Steel meets his counterpart from the other crew. The Sunwardians meet Archie.
https://greencomet.org/2018/10/26/the-plainsrunner-chapter-51/McClane likes this.
The Plainsrunner - Chapter 50
2018-10-18T22:42:04Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
We're down to the last few weeks of this experiment. It's soon time to say good-bye to Sage and Tallgrass.
Their meeting is cut short by the arrival of the Sunwardians. Supervisor Steel tries to convince them to be careful with their weapons. They are not easily convinced. The Sunwardian vessel might be lost forever.
https://oliveronline.ca/2018/10/18/the-plainsrunner-chapter-50/McClane likes this.
The Plainsrunner - Chapters 48 & 49
2018-10-11T20:03:46Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
They meet an alien who warns them not to use their weapons. They begin to learn the truth. One of the crew is injured. They are taken deep into the giant space vessel to meet the ones behind it all.
https://greencomet.org/2018/10/11/the-plainsrunner-chapters-48-49/McClane likes this.
The Plainsrunner - Chapter 46 & 47
2018-10-04T21:42:11Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Supervisor Steel has Specialist Blunt follow the arrows. They come to what might be a door with a doorbell. Tallgrass puts on his pressure suit and goes out to ring it. To his surprise, there's an answer.
https://greencomet.org/2018/10/04/the-plainsrunner-chapters-46-47/McClane likes this.
McClane shared this.
The Plainsrunner - Chapter 45
2018-09-27T20:17:48Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
They arrive at the thing at L1 and begin a close examination of it. They get a surprise when they probe it with radar. They circumnavigate it and find something even more surprising. Blunt is afraid and wants to go home. They learn about the progress of the Sunwardian mission. After the circumnavigation they get a shock.
rjbMcClane likes this.
The Plainsrunner - Chapter 44
2018-09-21T18:58:08Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
They pass the halfway point to L1 and begin decelerating. Tallgrass talks to his mom and gets news from home. They get a better view of the thing at L1, and it's huge. Given what they see, they have to decide whether to continue the mission or turn around and go home.
https://greencomet.org/?wpdmdl=4916The Plainsrunner - Chapters 40 & 41
2018-09-06T19:27:27Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
They give their vessel a name and set out for L1, and the mysterious object there. They lose contact with Mission Control, and Tallgrass fears for Seagrass's safety again.
https://greencomet.org/2018/09/06/the-plainsrunner-chapters-40-41/The Plainsrunner - Chapter 39
2018-08-30T20:07:18Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Tallgrass and his crewmates are launched into orbit, where they dock with the space station. They observe the ongoing construction of the incomplete second vessel, then they get their first look at their vessel, complete and ready to go.
https://greencomet.org/2018/08/30/the-plainsrunner-chapter-39/The Plainsrunner - Chapters 37 & 38
2018-08-24T05:38:06Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Facts emerge after the devastating attack. They reply to the message from Sunward. Tallgrass visits Seagrass in hospital. A new member joins the team. They get their orders.
rjbThe Plainsrunner - Chapters 35 & 36
2018-08-16T20:56:01Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
This is the beginning of Part Four - Space
They receive a message from space, proving the legends are true. Tallgrass suffers a great tragedy. The project is in danger.
https://greencomet.org/2018/08/16/the-plainsrunner-chapters-35-36/The Plainsrunner - Chapters 33 & 34
2018-08-10T01:53:00Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Fanatics threaten the project. Sage worries about Tallgrass's safety. Trueway makes Tallgrass and Seagrass an offer. Sage comes for a visit. Tallgrass has a decision to make.
This marks the end of Part Three - Tallgrass.
https://oliveronline.ca/2018/08/10/3265/The Plainsrunner - Chapters 31 & 32
2018-08-02T19:37:25Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Tallgrass and Seagrass make the long trek to a new city to begin their advanced education. Tallgrass runs into an old nemesis. Sage and the Professor discover something new about the gliders. Sage discovers something mysterious in space.
https://oliveronline.ca/2018/08/02/the-plainsrunner-chapters-31-32/The Plainsrunner - Chapters 29 & 30
2018-07-26T18:08:55Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Tallgrass and Seagrass negotiate the perils of school and life together. Tallgrass plays polo. He learns about the wider world, and leaves home for a higher education.
https://oliveronline.ca/2018/07/26/the-plainsrunner-chapters-29-30/McClane likes this.
The Plainsrunner - Chapters 27 & 28
2018-07-19T17:17:33Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Tallgrass goes to school, where he makes a friend and meets some bullies.
https://oliveronline.ca/2018/07/19/the-plainsrunner-chapters-27-28/McClane likes this.
The Plainsrunner - Chapter 26
2018-07-12T20:10:10Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Tallgrass goes on a picnic with his mom and three of their friends. He gets to drive the truck.