Dr. Avery Jenkins averyjenkins@identi.ca
East Litchfield, United States
Dr. Jenkins is a primary care chiropractic physician at the Center for Alternative Medicine, in Litchfield, CT.
2013-07-09T20:15:41+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States via api To: Public
2013-06-29T10:40:44+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States via api To: Public
The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades. http://is.gd/CIAAZN2013-05-21T16:06:20+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States To: Public
Beards keep you young, healthy & handsome. Research you can believe. http://is.gd/TEPfED #litchfield #alternativemedicine2013-05-15T14:18:25+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States To: Public
Another good reason people -- especially athletes -- shouldn't be taking OTC painkillers. http://is.gd/hOd2xu #litchfield #altmed2013-05-07T09:44:26+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States To: Public
Teen girls who exercise are less violent. http://is.gd/zmLLvY2013-05-01T11:57:13+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States To: Public
Hippocratic hypocrisy: Medical doctors deliberately ignored signs of #torture at #Gitmo. http://is.gd/1WG5G12013-05-01T20:45:40+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States To: Public
See what my #patients have to say about me! http://is.gd/v672wD #alternativemedicine #litchfield #altmed2013-04-30T15:58:48+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States To: Public
High fructose corn syrup may be killing the honeybees. What's it doing to you? http://is.gd/gQo2ys #litchfield #alternativemedicine2013-04-30T13:40:15+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States To: Public
Chiropractic adjustments superior to medication or placebo. http://is.gd/eJTBXv #alternativemedicine #altmed #litchfield2013-04-26T14:47:42+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States To: Public
Electro-acupuncture reduces post-operative nausea and vomiting http://is.gd/MaL1ur #altmed #alternativemedicine #litchfield2013-04-10T23:31:49+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States To: Public
Biking home in a thunderstorm. Been a long time since I've had a chance to do that. #playinginpuddlesJason F. McBrayer likes this.
2013-04-01T11:02:40+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States To: Public
Today's leading search term to my blog: "avery jenkins dead." Should I be worried? #paranoia #haveanothercupofcoffee2013-03-27T15:22:13+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States To: Public
My DocAltMed blog has gone international! http://bit.ly/YTJHAP http://bit.ly/15UzGr3 #altmed #litchfield2013-03-24T15:10:14+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States To: Public
In this land of plenty, is it too much to ask for a 34" double-bit hickory axe handle with decent grain?newsmeback shared by Dr. Avery Jenkins at 2013-02-13T19:51:31+00:00 via web To: Public
Shark attacks on the rise in U.S. waters; more than 50 people attacked in 2012 http://dlvr.it/2xc1dfDr. Avery Jenkins, Dr. Avery Jenkins shared this.
2013-01-03T21:54:31+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States To: Public
For the record, the GOP voted 19 times to increase the debt limit by $4 trillion during Bush era. http://bit.ly/TzxBhZ #GOP2013-01-02T19:53:29+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States To: Public
Move over iPhone. Time to make room for the future. http://bit.ly/12YMIoR #ubuntu #phone #android #iphone2013-01-02T18:59:38+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States To: Public
Cold commute! 10 degrees F here this morning. #bicycle2012-12-30T17:09:21+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States To: Public
Remember trail courtesy: Snowshoes and hikers on separate sides of the trail from xc skiers #litchfield #whiteswoods2012-12-28T19:02:23+00:00 in Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, United States To: a(n) person, Public
Busy last day before the new year!