Jason F. McBrayer jfm@identi.ca
Columbia, United States
A kind of haunted meat, probably. I don't know.
2013-09-05T10:32:39Z via Puma To: Public
Justice and reason are on the side of the couple, but this is South Carolina, where justice and reason don't often count for much. http://www.thestate.com/2013/09/03/2958262/same-sex-marriage-suit-haley-likely.html
Susan Pinochet likes this.
Susan Pinochet shared this.
2013-09-03T14:42:41Z via Puma To: Public
Gradually building up working environment based on Debian stable on my Nexus 7. Got ratpoison and emacs23 working; got package.el and melpa installed for emacs23. Becoming usable.
2013-08-26T13:09:31Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
“Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins - or which is which), the very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom - Lucifer.”
― Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals2013-08-07T17:34:11Z via Puma To: Public
I'm not sure why Chrome storing passwords in plaintext is making the round of the news right now. It was reported as a bug in 2008 and marked “WONTFIX” in 2010.
I understand the Chrome devs' point about leaving security up to the OS, but on Linux they just punt and don't encrypt at all (compare Windows where they encrypt in a way that's probably safe (only) for logged out users). If they can't be bothered to do the minimum here, where else are they cutting corners?
Reminds me of the infamous FileZilla bug (same thing "the OS should do it, I don't want to worry about that crap")he is right in sense encryption or master password means false security you plugged one end but others are open so users believe they are safe when actually they aren't he is wrong, when he says we don't want to plug it because there are other ways to get access, he's right when saying master passwd is not the way to do it, devise newer, safer ways to encrypt, twitter's 2-factor security is a good example. while encryption means machine, master password means high order of error, and locking self out2013-08-02T13:23:18Z via Puma To: Public
Swapped out old thumb drive for new USB 3.0 jobber. Now #Mercurial repositories on it don't lag anymore.
2013-07-23T14:26:46Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Buttons on the pump.io web interface have the distressing tendency to not visibly do anything when you click them.2013-07-23T14:23:00Z via Puma To: Public
Nice quote from @cstross about royal crotchfruit: “Amiable couple distantly descended from red-handed mass-murdering hereditary dictator who invaded nation in 1066 succeed in repeating a process that every last one of their ancestors managed to accomplish (i.e. producing a child). News media feeding frenzy ensues …”
2013-07-19T13:30:41Z via Puma To: Public
“Smartass comments make every plan to overthrow an evil overlord better.” – Harry Dresden (My Little Denarians) #quote
2013-07-15T15:56:36Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
TZAG, pump.io.Bender Rodríguez shared by Jason F. McBrayer at 2013-07-05T15:23:24+00:00 via web To: Public
"Egyptians would be lucky if their new ruling generals turn out to be in the mold of Chile's Pinochet" http://j.mp/1a6xBzS #fascistsJason F. McBrayer likes this.
Jason F. McBrayer shared this.
2013-06-18T19:27:04+00:00 via Emacs Identica-mode To: lazyweb, Fedora users, Public
Any !Fedora people running a local DNS server along with #libvirtd? I can't get them to coexist. !lazyweb?@jfm The problem seems to be that libvirtd starts a dnsmasq that is grabbing interfaces I have not specifically told it to.2013-06-18T15:34:52+00:00 via Emacs Identica-mode To: emacs, Public
2013-06-10T15:25:33+00:00 via Emacs Identica-mode To: Public
Well, hell. This weekend, not only do I learn that the NSA has my phone records, but Iain M. Banks is dead, too.2013-06-10T15:16:56+00:00 via mustard To: Public
"Fuck every cause that ends in murder and children crying" — Iain Banks, 1954-2013 - Charlie's Diary - http://b1t.it/doYv2013-06-04T18:27:21+00:00 via Emacs Identica-mode To: Public
Hrm. My Nexus 7 is not charging well. Hopefully it's just that the charger cable is damaged (kinked, possibly). Or next-best, the charger.2013-06-04T13:26:10+00:00 via Emacs Identica-mode To: Public
2013-06-03T13:10:54+00:00 via Emacs Identica-mode To: owncloud, Public
Not sure whether I should install !owncloud on my main webserver (also home file server, media server), or spin up a dedicated VM for it.2013-06-03T13:09:36+00:00 via Emacs Identica-mode To: owncloud, Public
I need a calendaring (caldav) server for family use. Strongly considering !owncloud for simplicity.Of those, only !ownCloud has a webgui for *showing* and editing the calendars. I use it, and it works now with KDEPIM 4.10.42013-06-03T13:08:47+00:00 via Emacs Identica-mode To: Time Zone Appropriate Greetings, Public
!tzag, Identicats. Another week's reprieve from the pump xgrade.