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Ubuntu LoCo Srbija at 2012-09-30T09:11:06+00:00
Viki članak "Ubuntu sigurnost" likes this.
laurelrusswurm at 2012-09-25T06:19:49+00:00
@tom_watson If you're looking for music to use without infringing !copyright, check !jamendo for an amazing stash of !creativecommons ♫Frisky, Paul Laroquod, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Fleur Heitinga likes this.
Fleur Heitinga, Fleur Heitinga, speedo, speedo and 2 others shared this.
I wish !jamendo was more specific. Saying "these tracks are published under a !cc license" is too vague. Does it use a *free* !cc license?Jason Self at 2012-09-27T04:45:14+00:00
Arc Riley likes this.