Axel Simon axelsimon@identi.ca
Paris, France
Interested in things. Reasonably nice human being. Defending Freedoms on/and the Internet with @laQuadrature. @BadBearParis co-conspirator. Tweets are CC By-SA.
Torstein Finnbakk tofi@identi.ca
comunication, journalism, MC, motorcycles, writing, photography, blues, litterature, books, films, movies
Michał Andrzej Woźniak rysiek@identi.ca
Warsaw, Poland
Hacktivist, @fwioo President, formerly Philosophy@Warsaw Uni student, @bramalab CTO, sailor, biker.
Yohan Boniface informagicien@identi.ca
Samuel Schmid weltenschmid@identi.ca
Plaun dils Matts, Switzerland
The aim of the game is to feel good. Get LED Grow Panel at http://www.led-laempli.ch
Herli Menezes hjmenezes@identi.ca
Botafogo, Brazil
I am graduated in Physics and MSc in Computer Science. Enthusiast of Free Software - GNU/Linux, Science, Politics, Art and Philosophy.
Pablo Martin-Gomez bouska@identi.ca
Brussels, Belgium
Wannabe hacker, libriste et troll amateur en économie et société. I <3 poneys and teh Internetz. Bruxellois de cœur, francilien malgré lui.