Hugo Roy hugoroy@identi.ca
Paris, France
Free Software Foundation Europe (follow @fsfe | suivre @fsfefrance) / Terms of Service; Didn't Read co-founder. / Homepage: http://hugoroy.eu
2014-06-22T18:40:08Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Is there a way to send notes to identi.ca from an RSS feed?
Thanks!Doug Whitfield, Mike Linksvayer shared this.
Show all 5 repliesspigot.py will do it. That's what I use, along with several others. You can find it in the pip repos.Doug Whitfield at 2014-06-22T21:39:03Z
Danc, Douglas Perkins likes this.
2013-12-01T20:57:32Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Quelqu’un de dispo vendredi à #Paris pour une tentative d’installation #ArchLinux ?2013-11-13T11:40:36Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Paris: 19/11 20:00 \o/ un second "mutterware" #hack #mutt https://wiki.fsfe.org/groups/Paris/Mutterware #fsfe chez #mozillaFSFE - France shared this.
2013-11-10T12:31:27Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
The new XMPP.net is awesome. I also like the A-F rating, reminds me of what we did for @tosdr :-) https://xmpp.net/index.php2013-11-10T11:19:31Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Apparently, the identi.ca → Twitter bridge is back with http://pump2tweet.comDanc likes this.
Danc shared this.
2013-11-08T20:01:24Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
In case you wonder: yes, the mustache is GIMP'd. But that does not mean it's not true ;-)2013-09-13T16:25:52Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Hey, just ignore this, I'm testing out the aggregate plugin on ikiwiki :-)2013-08-18T18:58:17Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
This, is the best article I have read this year. http://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/debatten/ueberwachung/information-consumerism-the-price-of-hyp...
Evgeny Morozov on Information Consumerism, the Price of Hypocrisy.Axel Simon, ®om shared this.
2013-08-18T13:32:53Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Bruno Miguel likes this.
2013-08-16T10:29:59Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers, Georg C. F. Greve
Do cloud right: Four critical steps to selecting the provider for you
Short and good: http://opensource.com/business/13/8/four-steps-cloud-providers by greve@identi.caBruno Miguel likes this.
Bruno Miguel shared this.
2013-08-15T20:00:44Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
If you're looking for a good static website generator (I was using webgen in the past, but it's not really maintained any more AFAICT and it's quite limited), have a look at https://github.com/jgm/ystDanc likes this.
My favourite website generator is Emacs. ;) Seriously, I never understood why I should learn a markup language which gets translated into HTML (another markup language) if I could learn/write the target markup language directly without depending on a intermediate layer.It really depends on what you need :-)
On the merits of using a good web generator: Let's say you want to generate a list of blog entries on your index page (like http://hugoroy.eu/index.en.html#blog) it's more convenient to generate such a list from a database rather than write the complete HTML each time, especially if you also want to distribute that list in other forms (such as http://hugoroy.eu/feed.rss) right now I do this by hand, but this can be quite annoying when you add more features, etc.
And I like markdown :-)2013-08-13T12:23:25Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Someone really needs to take care of webdesign for http://gnu.org I'm affraid to show that frontpage to other people. It's sad, because there are some great articles in the philosophy section amongst other things (and obviously, everybody should know about GNU and Free Software).aether, ostfriesenmärz, Dvd Mrsdn likes this.
idoric, ostfriesenmärz, Dvd Mrsdn shared this.
Show all 11 repliesI've become convinced that gnu hate their users. Every time I see anything they produce it's like getting punched in the face. It's as if they take pride in things being as ugly as possible. A moral stand against the cool kids with their pleasing typography, responsive layouts, and use of whitespace to, you know, make things pleasant to use and readable.rpcutts at 2013-08-13T13:05:55Z
null likes this.
@JanKusanagi I agree with your first comment, but we must also think about the conclusions drawn by the rest of the world. Rightly or wrongly, if a lot of people think the aesthetics of the site has not received a lot of thought and work, they will conclude that there was no one competent to do so, and therefore there really are not many people behind this site and the concept of free software. To speak of free software to a politician, I showed him the site of APRIL (the largest French association for the defense and promotion of open source software), not the FSF. Because unfortunately for most the only thing they are interested in is how many votes it can bring.JanKusanagi: Scroll down a little to read RMS's 'info packet'.
Dvd Mrsdn at 2013-08-13T13:20:11Z
James Robertson likes this.
2013-08-10T16:20:26Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
I'm always surprised how “terms of service; didn't read” is **way more** popular in Germany than it is in France.George Duke and Me, 1 year and 5 days ago
2013-08-07T08:31:03Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Shit. George Duke died. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Duke
I will always remember that great concert. And he was so nice, too!idoric shared this.
2013-08-01T16:05:42Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Here’s why economists hate software patents http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2013/07/31/heres-why-economists-hate-software-pate...So far, the arguments of these economists hasn’t made much of an impression on the lawyers who run the patent system. When I asked Paul Michel, the recently-retired chief judge of the nation’s top patent court, whether he favored abolishing software patents, he rejected the idea, arguing that “broad categories treated pejoratively are going to lead us toward bad solutions.” Doug Lichtman, a law professor at UCLA, once told me that a rule against patents on software would be an “odd way to divide the world up.” Instead, legal scholars tend to advocate more esoteric changes to patent doctrine to deal with the problems in the software industry. But there’s something to be said for the straightforward approach favored by many economists.
The Washington Post probably just asked the wrong lawyers. There's nothing weird in making a special case for patents. Acutally, under patent law (in Europe and in the US) there are many elements under which the law can make differences between different types of innovation (making innovation happen and marketing it in software is entirely different than in pharmaceutical drugs, for instance). There are legal standards in patent law, such as the "person having ordinary skill in the art" (in French, “l'homme du métier”) which can be used to make such differenciations. Actually, it's already used, see “Is Patent Law Technology-Specific?” https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=349761 The problem is, it's not used properly… (see the paper, in the US some courts view programming as mere “clerical” tasks and think the real innovation happens beforehand…)2013-07-29T17:35:11Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Groklaw shares some excerpts from our letter to the European Commission against Microsoft-Nokia-Oracle's complaint on anti-trust matters against Android.
http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=2013072908224832013-07-25T16:33:19Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
An interesting read:
“The Price of Hypocrisy” by E. Morozov
“The problem with the sick, obsessive superpower revealed to us by Edward Snowden is that it cannot bring itself to utter the one line it absolutely must utter before it can move on: “My name is America and I’m a dataholic.” […] We must take stock of where we are and reflect on where we soon will be, especially if we fail to confront – legally but, even more importantly, intellectually – the many temptations of information consumerism.”2013-07-21T12:41:45Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Is it not possible to delete a note?
[BTW, I find it quite cumbersome that I have to select “Public” of every not that I want to publish.]Matthias Kirschner likes this.
Matthias Kirschner shared this.
2013-07-21T12:39:54Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Oh, I did not realise that by default, my posts here were only to my “Followers” and not made public!idoric shared this.
2013-07-21T12:36:46Z via Impeller To: Public
trying out impeller on android :-)