Blaise Alleyne

Back to Drupal

Blaise Alleyne at

Just when I thought I'd left Drupal behind, I've got a big CiviCRM / website project, and Drupal seems like the tool for the job again.

Of course, I go back to Drupal excited to try out Drupal 8 now! And sure enough, super popular modules like webform are still not Drupal 8 ready. And CiviCRM doesn't even support Drupal 8 yet. And then I remember one of the reasons I had planned to leave Drupal (the huge headache between major version migrations). Back to Drupal 7 it is I guess...

I'm not sure if I should be excited or terrified. Probably both, which I am.

You can use CivICRM under WordPress as well. We're using it for our local UNIX users group ( and it works well enough. I think it started under Drupal though so it might work better under there? Not sure. But there's options. :)

Craig Maloney at 2016-10-05T11:24:11Z

Yeah, I've been using CiviCRM under WordPress much more often in the past couple years. The integration isn't as complete, there are some more advanced functions that are Drupal only, but all the basics are there. This project just seems to cal for some of the power of Drupal, like the more advanced CMS and CiviCRM features will be important over the long run.

I suppose I just feel stuck between the simplicity of WordPress and the power of Drupal. You hit ceilings with WordPress more quickly, but Drupal takes so much work to get it where you need it to be. Here goes another try on another website though...

Blaise Alleyne at 2016-10-07T04:05:52Z

Ah, wasn't sure if you'd explored those options. Do you know what the options are better implemented under Drupal for CiviCRM rather than Wordpress? (Off the top of your head. Was more curious than anything).

Good luck!

Craig Maloney at 2016-10-07T10:57:54Z

CiviEngage is Drupal-only (not something I'm looking at using though). Drupal integration also includes integration with views, a CiviGroups Roles Sync, or an Organic Groups sync too I think. So, just a whole bunch of ways to integrate CiviGroups with Drupal roles/access, and then to pull information from Civi for custom display in Drupal. I think there's even a webform integration module.

WordPress can do all the basic stuff, like display profiles or CiviCRM pages or whatever, but you don't have the same potential to integrate content/permissions in both directions like you can in Drupal.

Blaise Alleyne at 2016-10-09T02:58:34Z