Video Editing Tools
Any recommendations for video editors?
Back in high school, before my free software days, and when camcorders wrote to DV tape instead of SD cards, I used to use Windows Movie Maker. It was remarkable easy to do a lot with that tool.
I've been using Kdenlive recently. It's... remarkable difficult to do anything but make simple edits to video. Something like adding a title template or creating subtitles is very difficult to do in a way that looks good and that you can replicate consistently or edit and adjust as you go. (Maybe it's just a lack of presets and templates?)
iMovie and Windows Movie Maker seem to excel at being simple and easy to use. Kdenlive is a powerful tool, but it's not that kind of tool. What is?
Has anyone tried OpenShot, Shotcut, Pitivi, Flowblade? So many options, not an obvious winner... I feel like I've got a lot of experimenting to do...
Scorpio, Scorpio, McClane shared this.

Then... Cinelerra? 🤣
Upon seeing the title and initial question, I was going to say "Kdenlive" 😅
So... if that one's too complex... Many years ago I tried Pitivi briefly and I remember it being much simpler (i.e. crappier 😁). No idea about how it has evolved, but it might be suited for your purposes.
For subtitles you might want to consider a proper subtitling tool like SubtitleComposer.
EDIT: Also, LiVES?

You're right, Kdenlive may actually be the best. I just needed to spend a bit more time with it... and it works really well!