Katie bokunenjin@identi.ca
Ubuntu Women Project ubuntuwomen@identi.ca
The Ada Initiative adainitiative@identi.ca
Global Village, India
Supporting women in open technology and culture
Sumana Harihareswara [on Mastodon] brainwane@identi.ca
Jackson Heights, United States
I use this account infrequently; find me on Mastodon as http://social.coop/@brainwane/ . Founder of Changeset Consulting. Wife, FLOSS geek, feminist, manager of people & projects, programmer, fanvidder. Recurse Center alumna. She/her. Married to @leonardr.
Fabien Niñoles fabien@identi.ca
Cà Mau, Vietnam
Free Software developer, RPG theorist, writer and dancer / Dévelopeur de logiciels libres, jeuderôlogiste, écrivain et danseur.
Brian DeRocher brian252@identi.ca
Alexandria, United States
open source, debian, openmoko, KDE, amd64, ppc64
Free Culture DC freeculturedc@identi.ca
Washington, United States
Information policy and digital rights in the Washington, D.C. area