Brian Hendrickson brianjesse@identi.ca
Portland, United States
dad, tennis nut, mobile engineer @GunDogLabs - co-founder @nozzl, passed W3C Social Web Acid Test http://bh.ly/a7 @structalapp @hashtraffic
2013-04-15T21:55:05+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via web To: Public
Building the core of a federated future
shared by Brian Hendrickson at 2013-02-18T20:24:34+00:00 via web To: Public
Building the core of a federated future
shared by Brian Hendrickson at 2013-02-18T20:24:34+00:00 via web To: Public
2012-12-26T22:27:10+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via web To: Public
seems that identi.ca should add the users handle when I click "reply to this"2012-12-26T22:22:17+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via web To: Public
I'd like to see a global timeline of app.net and identi.can combined2012-12-26T22:20:45+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via web To: Public
ok would be nice to have infinite scrolling on identicayou just need to convince Evan to give you his pwd and you can install this plugin http://ur1.ca/cakkb ;-)2012-12-26T22:18:11+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via web To: Public
using identica from a kindle - it's nice!2012-02-08T08:10:51+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via web To: Public
failing to program with the 2011 British Grand Prix #f1 race on the TV -- it's too entertaining2012-02-07T22:35:47+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via web To: Public
attempting to change my !identica avatar but it's throwing broken image links - is this an homage to #twitter or something?2012-02-05T23:46:54+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via Twitter Tools To: Public
"RSS can't solve all problems, but at least it's just a protocol, and an open one" http://bh.ly/dzDuck Nebuchadnezzar, Evan Prodromou likes this.
2012-02-01T23:46:00+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via Twitter Tools To: Public
RT @maccman Just released a new open source Spine/MacGap app called Heads Up: http://ur1.ca/7z3702012-02-01T21:00:04+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via Twitter Tools To: Public
zero percent chance of rain Fri-Sun in #pdx -- I'm starting to like February http://bh.ly/dp2012-01-30T23:06:02+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via Twitter Tools To: Public
'In June this year, people spent around 81 minutes a day using mobile apps and only 74 minutes surfing the Web' http://bh.ly/dl2012-01-29T09:29:39+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via Twitter Tools To: a(n) person, Public
was googling 'zepto regex' and came across Happy.js, a sweet #javascript form validation tool from @andyet - where @fritzy works2012-01-22T08:57:13+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via Twitter Tools To: Public
2012-01-13T21:18:43+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via Twitter Tools To: Public
taking my wife out for happy hour today, any suggestions for cool/new hangouts in ne/nw #pdx thanks!2012-01-11T06:54:10+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via Twitter Tools To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
RT @turoczy @davewiner: Jabber Support at WordPress.com … an RSS interface to Jabber. Have to play with this. http://blork.ly/wXwSLF2012-01-04T20:39:48+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via Twitter Tools To: Public
shared a carrot-eating porcupine video on Facebook http://bh.ly/da then I read an article about culture grinding to a halt http://bh.ly/d92011-12-24T18:16:08+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via Twitter Tools To: Public
RT @nozzlsteve .@NozzlPDX week in review on YouTube: #Santacon, stroller-pushing pug, steampunk jewelry. Keep #PDX #Weird. http://bh.ly/d02011-12-15T23:42:28+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States via Twitter Tools To: Public
RT @rogeriopvl HTTP Status Cats API: http://ur1.ca/6ozxq [ 100/Continue is my cat @hoverkitty http://bh.ly/cq http://bh.ly/cr ]