Identi.ca Support at 2011-09-22T18:21:23+00:00
Rejoice identicats TwitterBridge is enabled and working!Paul-Marc Bougharios, Jenny Ondioline, Martin Broerse, Ricardo Dias Marques and 9 others likes this.
Mateusz Pawlowski, Mateusz Pawlowski, Răzvan Sandu, Răzvan Sandu and 24 others shared this.
Show all 5 repliesyay \o/, thanks a lot for your work on getting #identica 1.0 as awesome as it is!This is what I wanted. But for now it looks like iot works only from identi.ca to Twitter not vice-versa, or does it takes longer?Maxime Pelletier at 2011-09-13T18:26:43+00:00
I always hate to install perl stuff from cpan. Only need a small module... and it seem to have 50 dependencies that needMartin Broerse likes this.
Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA at 2011-09-07T05:13:15+00:00
Microsoft meeting with US Ambassador to Brazil regarding politics of Open Document Format ODF proposal to ISO http://keionline.org/node/1234Martin Broerse likes this.
Răzvan Sandu, Răzvan Sandu shared this.